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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Ready? Here we go! Step #1: struts Step #2: parasol monoplane 😋 Step #3: biplane! I may have to make judicious use of flattering angles for the eventual final photos. The right upper wing is skewed a tiny bit aft. I finally discovered the problem -- the locator hole for the lower right wing's pin is about 0.5-1.0 mm farther aft than that for the left wing! I'm not sure that I'll be able to do much about it at this late juncture, but we'll see.
  2. Not only did you do a nice job, but the printed kit components indicate that this is an old kit, so it's a doubly impressive accomplishment for a new modeler. Congratulations!
  3. Wings done. Next up comes the hardest part of getting a biplane right -- mounting the wings and struts.
  4. Welcome! And thanks for the earworm (an agreeable one)!
  5. Lower wings ready for outer skins, and aileron pieces cut out as well. The DH.82 only had ailerons on the lower wings.
  6. Congratulations -- an excellent result!
  7. Photography tends to highlight mistakes that are not readily picked up in an in-person viewing.
  8. Thanks, but much of the credit must go to the designer, Pawel Mistewicz. So far this has been a well thought-out kit. Also, this is the 18th card aircraft I have attempted (14 completed), so hopefully I have progressed up the learning curve a bit.
  9. Welcome, Steve! I missed your original introduction. Good luck on your project!
  10. Upper Wings The wing design includes two layers of skin, which makes it easier to obtain a nice, smooth exterior. Here are the lower first-layer skins and interior framing. Upper first-layer skins attached. Exterior skins cut out and edge-colored. Inner skins mated to outer skins. All done! Of course, it's a biplane,so I have to do this all over again for the lower wings. 🙃
  11. Welcome! We are happy to accommodate builders in any modeling medium, whether plastic, wood, resin, card stock, or whatever. If you browse through the build logs, look for titles that include the word "PLASTIC" -- we have some members who are quite accomplished in that medium. EDIT: Thought I would toss out a few examples:
  12. I have both a cheap headband magnifier from Harbor Freight and a much more expensive magnifier with interchangeable flip-up lenses -- I can't recall the brand. I found that with the latter I didn't like having a large, unmagnified field of peripheral vision. I went back to the cheap magnifier, and the expensive one is stashed away in a box somewhere. Just shows that different folks have different experiences using the same equipment.
  13. Dories remain popular smallcraft, so there are many extant contemporary examples. Try browsing around the internet to give you some ideas of possible paint schemes.
  14. That's a good first effort. They look like stairs, and that's the important thing!
  15. Congratulations, Shaun! Hope you agree that the result is worth the years of perseverance!
  16. Okay, I modified your title accordingly and spiced it up a little. I imagine that there's a fair number of members who have thought about a similar project and will be interested in how you pull this off. Good luck!
  17. Great project! I recently finished building a 1:1 scale lapstrake canoe (from a Chesapeake Light Craft kit), and I would like to add a capable skiff/pram to the collection, except that 1. I have no space for it, and 2. the missus is dead set against it. Reason #2 is kind of a deal breaker. 😬 BTW, before I moved to South Carolina six years ago, I lived a stone's throw from Yosemite NP, which also has a connection to the Olmsted clan.
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