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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I think if you were to really work at fixing that alignment problem, you'd probably throw off the alignment elsewhere (and remember I had worse issues with my build, trying to get the stern castle structure seated). Considering that the issue is likely only noticeable when viewed from dead astern, I'd vote to just leave it.
  2. I agree! I did the same for mine. I can't imagine anyone with a steady enough hand to paint that after it's already on the model.
  3. Welcome! It sounds like we are the same age. Sadly, no retirement anytime soon for me -- I will probably need to work until I drop dead, but oh well. Your Marblehead schooner should go in the scratch category, 1901-present, with the tag RADIO added to the title as per the instructions. Your other models and 1:1 boats all turned out nice -- looking forward to your progress on this one.
  4. These boats were used as working boats well into the 20th century, so Kit Builds 1901-present would be appropriate. Oh, and welcome aboard!
  5. I am indeed sorry to hear that. I offer my condolences as well.
  6. Hey, I fixed your title based on the assumption that you are building the 1/2" scale version -- hope I got that correct.
  7. Thanks, Mike (and to everyone else who has commented). My paint order has been re-shipped and is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Hopefully, this time it actually will!
  8. More like race to conclusions. And probably most of don't have access to a local hobby shop. The town I grew up in hasn't had a brick-and-mortar hobby store for nearly forty years, so it's demise certainly wasn't linked to online sales. And even if there is a local shop, most of them have tiny selections of wooden ship kits and supplies and know next to nothing about the hobby. And comparing the purchase of a Chinese knock-off to the purchase of a legitimate article from a legitimate retailer? That's an apple-to-oranges comparison.
  9. Richard, I'm still unclear on what you are hoping to achieve by revisiting a help topic four months later and posting a vaguely worded complaint. This topic instructs users on how to start and name build logs, not "index" them. What do you mean when you say "index"? What "little arrow" are you talking about? Do you assume that Model Ship World is only accessed by people who use Windows 10? Do you have a specific question?
  10. Only four of them are wooden kits. Card kits take up far less space -- and they're waaaaay cheaper, too! For the price of a wooden kit, I can buy dozens of card kits.
  11. Once I finish my current projects and then decide whether I should start the SB2U or one of the dozens of other kits in my stash. 😂
  12. Sweet! I have a card model version of this aircraft, albeit in wartime camouflage.
  13. I'm not familiar with the various Vasa (Wasa) kits on the market, but this subject has come up in the past on several occasions, for example here (note: I only searched for "Vasa," not the "Wasa" variant spelling). Hope that helps get you started.
  14. Welcome! Many of us ship modelers are also closet aircraft fans (see signature below). Cheers!
  15. Hello, Spooky. Welcome aboard! Your project is looking good so far. It's true that Polaris would have been easier, but not greatly so. Albatros (if I'm thinking of the right kit) is a topsail schooner, so the rigs will be similar, except that Albatros will have one or two square-rigged sails -- not too much to worry about. Rigging can be daunting, but no more so than double-planking a hull for the first time. Make sure to read through all the instructions and diagrams, and think of the task as a series of concrete steps. OcCre's photo instructions and diagrams are usually pretty good and should be a big help during the process. As for your gun ports, they're not half bad; perhaps a little work with a square or flat file will square them to your liking. As for a third model, any model of Golden Hinde will be pure conjecture on the designer's part. Reliable source material from that time period is notoriously sparse. If that's the sort of vessel that appeals to you, I'm sure it will be within your abilities once you have completed your first two projects. Good luck!
  16. Hello, Tomek! I for one kind of find it reassuring that someone who designs such elegant models describes his work as "average" -- it gives hope that truly average modelers may make something presentable upon completing one of your kits. Kind regards!
  17. While waiting for paint to arrive (no ETA yet), I took care of a few miscellaneous bits. First, I trimmed the thwart to fit. Then I wiped out the remaining resin dust with a damp rag, followed by a start on taping up the rails. No pics of the last item -- just tape, dontcha know.
  18. I have to agree with your assessment, Dave. I bought the Dremel stand years ago and quickly gave up on it. Nevertheless, I've been dragging it around on all my moves, cross-country and all. Don't ask me why.
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