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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I did wonder about that possibility.
  2. Your stash includes at least one kit that I built way back in the 70s -- the Tamiya 1/35th scale Matilda Mk III.
  3. Bom dia! (That's pretty much all the Portuguese I know.) Smart of you to start with a small project. I think most of us who bring some kind of modeling background to our first efforts at wooden ships would agree that ships still present their own unique set of challenges. BTW, congratulations to Brazil on their Copa America victory -- I watched almost all the games, including the final. Cheers!
  4. Love me some fish & chips -- the U.S. deep south version with catfish and hushpuppies is pretty good, too. Have fun on your trip!
  5. Very nice, work, Joergen! Brian Criner, whose name you might recognize from his work appearing in various forums and magazines, is the fellow who got me back into modeling after an 18-year hiatus. I didn't go back to plastic, though, because I knew there would be a steep learning curve to approach anything like Brian's models. I chose wooden ships instead. Later I got into card modeling as well, in fact I did the Halinski version of the exact same Polikarpov I-16 as you show here. To date it is still the only Halinski kit I have managed to complete. I enjoy seeing the detailed plastic kits and aftermarket parts that are available today and what talented builders like yourself are capable of doing with them. Cheers!
  6. I don't know what a "B&Q" is, but if it's anything like a Lowe's or Home Depot, then yes, that's the place. I can't really recommend one brand of sealer over another -- perhaps some of our more knowledgeable woodworkers have some advice on this.
  7. Fill does wonders, if you plan to paint later. Consider using sanding sealer to fill in the wood grain as well.
  8. I continue to marvel at how fast you can put these together -- quite the opposite of how my own builds typically go (lack of dogged persistence in my case). It sheds light on how you were able to rapidly expand the line-ups at JoTiKa and Amati.
  9. Good start, Bob. It's good to see another example of this model being built and putting Clay's practicum back in the spotlight. I have changed the title to use the more appropriate term "semi-kit", which implies that many (or in this case, most) of the usual kit elements are not included. "Mini-kit" sounds more indicative of size, e.g. Mini-Mamoli, which this obviously isn't. Cheers!
  10. I was in the middle of building Mogami in 1/700 scale when my modeling mojo up and took a vacation for 18 years. I got into wooden ships when it came back around.
  11. I finished another oar yesterday. That makes three now -- only thirteen more to go. In between numbers two and three I had to condense two closets worth of stored "stuff" down to one and move my modeling space to a different room. Whew!! BTW, did I mention that I really don't like filing/sanding oars from laser-cut sheet stock?
  12. That's debatable. My small house is running extremely short of 50-100 cm potential display spaces -- at least ones that the Admiral would be okay with.
  13. Will be interesting to see this "old school" classic coming to life alongside some of the newer wonder-kits.
  14. Model Shipways offers the gunboat Philadelpia, and Amati offer the Arrow, which is based from a plan that was never actually built.
  15. Mantua 1:78 Mantua 1:98 Mantua 1:200 Panart 1:78 Heller 1:100 Billing Boats 1:75 Model Space 1:84 Constructo 1:94 Revell 1:450 Revell 1:225 Mamoli 1:90 Mini-Mamoli 1:325 Artesania Latina 1:84 Airfix 1:100 Airfix 1/180 Airfix Series 1 (no scale) Lindberg 1:500 Shipyard 1:96 (card) Imai 1/150 Deagostini 1/84 Aeropiccola 1:170 Mikrostocznia 1:1200 And this doesn't include sectional models or Chinese knock-offs.
  16. Those kits are all currently in production, so you can find the MSRPs at each manufacturer's website. Take note, though, that Mamoli kits are now made by Dusek Ship Models. Also keep in mind that most retailers will mark down their prices some percentage from MSRP, and that a second-hand example of a kit that's still in production will not be worth as much to a buyer as a new kit. Kind regards,
  17. David, is this going to be an actual build log, or are you just soliciting some pointers? I believe we have a few completed examples in the gallery that you might find helpful. You can find them fairly easily with the search function. Cheers!
  18. Fabulous, Vince! And she compliments the bobblehead on the window sill nicely. 😉
  19. Can't always trust display models as indicators of kit quality. We have many examples here at MSW of finished models that look far better than the ones shown in their kits' box illustrations.
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