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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. The artwork is by Marcin Dworzecki, who is perhaps best known for his collaborations with Andrzej Halinski. Based on a vague post made in a Facebook group, I suspect the two men had some sort of falling out, which may partly explain why no new issues have been forthcoming from Halinski for several years now. In addition to coloring this design by Mr. Janukowicz, Marcin has been doing the art for designs done by Lech Kolodziejski and Marek Pacynski
  2. Getting oh so close to done now -- ailerons, stabilizers, and tail wheel added. Really only four things left to do, one of which is the propeller, which has 23 parts. Next update will probably be the Big Reveal.
  3. If you really like HMS Snake, then have a good look at either Speedy or Flirt from Vanguard Models. They're products of the same designer, Chris Watton, but much more up-to-date in terms of design, materials, and user-friendliness.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. Since it appears that this a build in progress, I have moved your topic to the correct sub-forum and properly formatted its title for you. Cheers!
  6. For future reference, for things like attachment points for guys, you don't absolutely need a hole all the way through the structure, though that is helpful. You really just need the tiniest of divots, which you can make by gently twisting an awl point at the spot.
  7. Nice, Andrew! I'm confident that you will do the remainder of this model justice, after which we will be able to say that you have well and truly arrived as a card modeler. Maybe HMV's Bremen will be next? 😉 Cheers!
  8. No dowels, though plenty of plastic rod. I'm not ashamed to substitute other media for paper where appropriate.
  9. It is! I have this one in my stash, and I also have an ~90% built SMS Emden sitting on a shelf (the infamous Shelf of Shame). The two kits are extremely similar, except for Undine's complete hull instead of a waterline hull. Both are worthy bearers of their sehr schwierig (very difficult) rating, but they are also exceptional in terms of detail and design.
  10. If you'll look at post #5 in this thread, I discuss a technique I use to help straighten out the seams between deck structures and the deck, or between the structure and its roof. I have built four of David's designs. Each is a little jewel (although some are by no means 'little').
  11. Welcome aboard! That is a pretty diverse assemblage of models -- I look forward to seeing your progress with them.
  12. I don't remember if this was an issue in my kit. If it was, I can't remember how I dealt with it.
  13. All glued up! Putting all the parts together reminded me of my fisheries work days when we used to regularly visit a hatchery that had crisscrossing lines suspended at different heights over the raceways full of fingerling tout and salmon -- the crossing lines supposedly played havoc with the depth perception of the local kingfishers. Well, these crisscrossing rods and struts definitely messed with my depth perception as well! I won't place any weight on the struts until the glue has cured for 24 hours.
  14. Hello, Swinging the Lead. May I suggest you create a separate build log for your model? I'm sure our members would enjoy seeing your work.
  15. Dry run -- will wait until I have more time to do the real gluing.
  16. More work on the gear . . . If I counted correctly, each gear mechanism will have 33 parts when completed.
  17. I see several other members have beaten me to the recommendation about the cannon. They are not period-correct. Amati's off-the-shelf swivel guns are not great, either.
  18. Fairings, fairings, fairings . . . First we have a couple of the flat parts, a bunch of partially shaped ones, and the scribing tool I used to help shape them. Did you know that a Wildcat has eighteen underwing fairings in five different sizes? 😑
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