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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Wow, I think you achieved quite a nice result! As for your next project, choose whichever one appeals to you the most -- I don't think you will find either kit particularly challenging, based on what you have achieved with your Endeavour.
  2. Your signature updates on all your posts.
  3. Moin moin, Jölle, and welcome to our forum! I look forward to seeing your work.
  4. I believe the 15C was the successor to the 11C. The accounting version was and still is the 12C -- it's popular with real estate agents because of its amortization capabilities. My dad taught electronics at a junior college and had put himself through college working at HP. He kept in touch with them over the years, and every year the top student in his program was awarded an example of the latest and greatest HP calculator.
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. Is that an old HP 15C? I loved mine -- especially when students would ask to borrow my calculator, then come back a minute later because they had no clue about RPN. 😂 I sold it on eBay a few years later to a Japanese engineer working in Saudi Arabia.
  7. Here's something you don't like to see in your laser-cut frames set: That's a lot of slop in that fit there (not glued yet), and it doesn't help that the kit has only a single wing-length spar, so there's further potential for misalignment inherent in the design. It's little things like this that signal the kit being a step down from say, oh -- a Halinski kit. But hey -- it's also much cheaper than a Halinski kit, so there's that.
  8. The dorsal hump behind the cockpit is no walk in the park. If you look closely at the internal frames, you'll see that there's multiple curves and sharp angles. There were also no joiner strips in the kit, so I added some from 20# bond. I assembled the hump off the model. And here's the final result, which didn't turn out too bad IMO.
  9. Which is part of the reason I choose to build in card. As much as I marvel at the realism achieved by some of our plastic modeler friends, I know it would take a long time and many less than satisfactory efforts to even approach that level of skill.
  10. Internal framing for the horizontal stabilizers added; skins cut out. Scratch-made joiner strips added. And voilà! Empennage completed.
  11. Vertical stabilizer added. I opted not to go for separate control surfaces.
  12. I have a very dim recollection that this might be a browser issue, but someone else will need to confirm that for me.
  13. At this point, it was safe to open up the cockpit again.
  14. Surgery Here's the start of the left wing root repair. And the finished repair -- maybe. On to the right side. And the finished right side. Since this gap went right through one of the green splotches, I had to fix that as well. I rather liked the effect -- it camouflages the repair -- a little. So I decided to add some splotchiness to the left side. As usual, this looks better in real life and when one isn't deliberately looking for it. I can move forward now!
  15. Well, I'm just having fit issues all over this model. As usual, I never quite know for certain whether these are due to my efforts or to inherent design issues (but I will observe that so far I have only successfully completed one out of three attempts at models designed by Mr. Paczynski). As you can see in this photo, the upper and lower parts of the fillets, which are NOT separate pieces in this kit, are not going to come together neatly at the aft end of each wing. Some substantial surgery will be needed. I think this model is going to be more of an "artistic representation" than normal.
  16. Well, as hinted at in an earlier post, the skinning of the forward fuselage poses quite the challenge. First we have the bottom skin added to the cockpit/fuselage frames: Then the forward skins added -- the front part is not glued down yet in this photo. As you can see, this structure is going to have a few gaps to repair. It also has, despite my best efforts, a little bit of 'starving cow' action going on, but the camouflage scheme hides it pretty good. To repeat what I said earlier, this is a very unusual fuselage + fillet design. I can't say I'm too fond of it. Having said that, this same model will probably turn up on one of the Polish forums looking like an absolute work of art and free of any errors! 😂
  17. Very nice work, Geordy! Is the model completed, or is there still some work to be done?
  18. Since completing the forward fuselage looks a little intimidating, I decided to work on the rest of the fuselage first.
  19. That's a really nice presentation, Jeff!
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