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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. I have all of those kits -- sort of. I have the D-9 in the 2019 'Papagei Squadron' recolor.
  2. I haven't printed any models in quite some time, but I recall having acceptable results with whatever ink jet printer I had at the time. I also recall that while using the highest DPI setting gave marginally better print quality, it also used considerably more ink.
  3. Don't get too carried away -- my knowledge of Irish is extremely limited! 😉
  4. You can only implement the suggested solution if you, personally, have no vices.
  5. Great picture! I love seeing what some of our members look like in the flesh.
  6. Kind of interesting that she was launched on Trafalgar Day, even if the first Trafalgar Day hadn't yet occurred!
  7. Step 24 One of the Step 24 elements is the racks that are part of each K-gun station. The kit includes an option for building simplified racks that have printed depth charges, or one can choose to cut out the printed charges out and swap them for three-dimensional ones. The detail set includes laser-cut parts to replace some of the printed parts. I went with the most detailed option. It can be done, but it's a tedious process. Bending and gluing the rack parts together is kind of like trying to assemble a 1:1 scale spider, and of course each of the four depth charges needing to be built is a rolled cylinder with two end pieces. A finished rack includes 16 parts, and there will eventually be 8 racks (plus the stern racks, which will be even more complex). So far I have completed a grand total of - - one.
  8. Deck level. Most people may not see anything wrong, but every fellow ship modeler will notice if a ship with keel drag is displayed improperly.
  9. There are generally two ways that designers use to join fuselage sections, either joiner strips or butt joins. Which method a kit employs should be apparent from the parts and diagrams. If joiner strips are intended, they will obviously be printed in the kit somewhere, usually right next to their fuselage sections. Sections that are butt joined will have an internal former at each end of the section. From your photos, I'm guessing this kit uses butt joins. Personally, I really dislike butt joins, as there is little to no room for error -- the two ends to be mated must match each other exactly, otherwise a fairly hideous seam will be apparent. Regardless of the outcome of this attempt, you have learned some things about the world of card modeling, both the skills required and the potential pitfalls, and this will make the next build easier to some degree. Cheers!
  10. Nice work, Craig! I'm crossing my fingers that the skins will fit your improvised framing without too much difficulty.
  11. Ken, I would really recommend trying a simpler model, unless you have some prior experience. From what I've seen about that kit, it will not be an easy build, especially with the F.2B's odd lower wing arrangement. For a good first model, I can recommend the free Bartel BM 6a available as a download from CardPlane. The nice thing about free models, of course, is that you can booger as many attempts as you need without having to purchase another kit.
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