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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. NOW HEAR THIS! Friends, MSW requires that your gallery images be posted in named gallery albums. Loose gallery images (i.e., not in albums) are periodically cleaned out (i.e., DELETED). Please note the relevant instruction posted at the top of each gallery: That means that @Mirabell61, @Jason Builder, @Richardp6, @RacerToo, @reklein, @Mark Lynch, @East Coast Oyster Sharpie, @Menne Kosian, @Rvandg, @Frank L., @cliff coppen, @Carlo Farina, @Peter6172, @Angler84, @closehaul, @bear, and @cihat karatas: YOU ARE CURRENTLY AT RISK OF HAVING YOUR LOOSE GALLERY IMAGES DELETED. Please move them into albums soon! If you need help with creating an album, contact a moderator. Thank you!
  2. That was my first guess when I saw his picture. My daughter works for a breeder (Crockett Doodles), and that's one of the 'designer dogs' they offer. I sometimes tease my daughter that back in our day they were called "mutts," but there's no denying they can be very cute.
  3. I also just found out that there is a volume on England in the Conway Maritime Press AOTS series.
  4. Ah, I see now. Part of the difficulty in determining the orientation stemmed from the fact that most WW2-era photos online, even large ones, are quite grainy, and the fine details of the "mattress spring" type air search radar don't show up well in the photos. On top of that, most of the photos I did find seemed to have caught the radar pointing aft instead of forward, hence the confusion. What I do think I'm going to need is some kind of reference material that shows a much more detailed view of the rigging details (still searching for that). The diagrams in the kit are practically useless, because in the provided views the lines cross each other numerous times, as well as crossing other ship details such as railings, so it is nearly impossible to tell which lines lines attach where and where they route to. Gonna be a fun job. 😧
  5. Your images tipped me off to the fact that I glued the air search radar antenna on backwards. 😥
  6. Step 24 is now completed. The jackstaff at the stern was the last addition. I had some problems with it. Problem #1 is that my cheap tweezers ka-pinged my first attempt into another dimension. Problem #2 was noticed when looking at some images online trying to figure out the placement of the stern navigation light -- turns out that I built the lower part of the staff structure wrong, resulting in a staff that is too short. But by that time, everything was rock-solidly secured with CA, so now it is what it is. Sometimes this model feels like "death by a thousand imperfections." I have now moved on to the mast, which with its numerous components is scary as all get-out. Not the least of the questions to be resolved will be the rigging, since there is no sort of step-by-step or color-coded sequence given for the spider's web of lines. Here is a shot of England in her present state:
  7. Stern racks completed. These were a real booger - I'll be happy to never build racks from card again 😬 I had two options: 1. Build them from the printed parts, which requires cutting out the spaces between frames, unless one wants to build simplified racks. 2. Use the laser-cut racks in the detail set. I tried both methods, and neither proved ideal. Both types of parts proved difficult to fold and did not hold a crease well. Ultimately I ended up using the laser-cut racks, but had to cut them into individual pieces (i.e. tops, sides, etc.) and then glue them together again -- very tedious. The "legs" on the racks consist of seven individual parts that must be added to each finished rack; the legs wrap around the racks and are nearly impossible to align correctly (some 'surgery' was necessary). So -- frustrating, but done. The cylinders are printed resin parts. PS: please don't notice that the port-side rack is placed slightly too far forward.
  8. It's a weird lay, to be sure, but one can't argue with success, and the F.2b was very successful.
  9. Welcome! I'm still trying to figure out whether "martimous" is an unfamiliar adjective or a derivation of "Marty Mouse." 🤔
  10. Finally got around to finishing the rest of the K-gun racks. Whew, what a slog! And as long as one doesn't look too closely, you can't tell how kind of misshapen they are -- laser-cut card details don't fold very neatly. 😬
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