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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Very nice! Love the miniature golf course -- or would that more correctly be termed a miniature miniature golf course? Cheers!
  2. Good work! She looks the part of a research vessel. It looks like you made use of generic 1/250 railings? From JSC perhaps? They're a nice touch. Cheers!
  3. That's a question for @RGL.
  4. Welcome! Yes, boats were typically covered, but modelers often omit the covers simply because open boats are more visually interesting -- same reason why guns on sailing men-of-war are nearly always shown run out for action, even if the model is bare-poled or wears a full suit of sails instead of greatly reduced battle sail. Cheers!
  5. Sorry. The closest I come to having any Polish ancestry is a 3rd-great-grandfather who was born in Pommern, which is the German word for Pomerania, now in present-day Poland. Except my ancestor wasn't born in that Pommern -- he was born in a tiny village of the same name located in Rhineland-Palatinate. So, close but no cigar. Actually, not really that close at all and still no cigar. 😂
  6. All Done! The last few bits to install were the: main deck railings anchors (with chain from the laser-cut detail set -- I bought some chain from Hobby Lobby, but even the smallest I could fine was too large) chain stopper (not included in the kit, but shown on a diagram; it's pretty tiny -- if I didn't tell you about it, you'd be unlikely to notice it) jackstaff flags. A tip for draping paper flags: they are much easier to fold if one scrapes most of the paper fibers from the back before gluing them. Speaking of glue, I have come up with what I'm calling Coyle's Law of Gluing: "The amount of time it takes for glue to set between two parts is inversely proportional to the amount of time it takes to align the two parts correctly after applying the glue." I have found this law to apply regardless of the type of glue used. And along with Coyle's Law goes Corollary #1: "If a part must be glued at two ends, one end will bond perfectly on the first try, while the other end will take four to six attempts to get it to stick." Enjoy the pictures!
  7. So, I decided to stow the boat outboard, as Egilman suggested. I like the effect. The kit did not include any blocks; in real life, the falls included rather massive blocks-and-tackle. I imitated these with some punched paper disks. Interestingly, the ship did not have railings on the starboard side of the superstructure where the boat was stowed -- I gather that the boat itself acted as a kind of railing when stowed inboard, and the railing would have been in the way when the boat was being swung outboard. There is now only a single white spot left on the entire model, where the jackstaff goes. 😮 We are getting closer!
  8. That makes sense. Surfing the internet sources, there are photos of ships with their boats stowed in that fashion, but many others have them stowed inboard -- maybe their commanders weren't up to snuff on naval practice. It's an option to think about, and would definitely make mounting the boat easier.
  9. I have finished the launch and its davits, but not installed them yet. Remembering what Egilman said way back in this log about everything being painted blue on the ship, I thought I should double-check whether this also applied to the launch below its waterline; in the kit, this is printed as a typical anti-fouling red. In the accompanying photo, though, you can see that the launch's hull below the waterline is very dark -- I suspect it may even be black. Any confirmation on this would be appreciated. And in case anyone is wondering, no, I will not be adding all of the tackle seen in this image, nor the gripes, either. I do plan to try adding a prop to the launch, since the kit didn't include one, and it seems like the launch ought to have one.
  10. Okay, I finished the rigging, and my gaskets are intact. This is not all the rigging that was on the original, but it is as much as I could decipher from the various sources, and it is as much as I am willing to attempt. The rigging that is included consists of: forestays backstays yard braces signal halyards flag halyard lanyards for the two thingies at the front of the stack, one of which I assume is the ship's whistle the two lines between the masthead and aft gun director tub -- I assume these were aerials. The superstructure railings are all done as well. Not too much left to do -- boat, davits, main deck railings, anchors and chain, jackstaff, plus anything else I might have forgotten. Case is ready, too, and brass nameplate has been ordered. The finish line is in sight!
  11. I continue to have more "fun" with EZ-Line. While working with one of the various lines, one of the stays popped off -- stuff like that is aggravating in the extreme, because each line is a pain in itself, and access to the interior lines becomes increasingly problematic as more exterior lines are added. In addition, I discovered I had attached three lines to the wrong points on the mast and have had to remove them and start over. All of this means that two hours worth of work has essentially gone down the toilet. 😑 Right now I'm taking a break before I completely blow a gasket. I hope to have some progress photos later today.
  12. All bridge railings and mast stays have been added.
  13. My next wooden kit, when I eventually get around to it, will be in 1/72 scale. I'm thinking I will likewise not add the tackles to that model, as in 1/72 scale the blocks get ridiculously tiny.
  14. In Northern California, where I grew up, we would see similar landscapes when the lupine bloomed.
  15. Can't wait to see the final effect -- betting it will be awesome!
  16. I agree! In this medium, at this scale, and with my current skill set, it's about creating the impression of the real thing. I will leave the duplication in miniature of every last detail to those who are much better at it then I am. I just want to relax and build models! 😊
  17. Have moved topic to appropriate area. Carol, people looking for restoration help will attract more interest in their project if they post a number of photos of the model in its present condition. Also, I must warn you of two things. First, not too many folks will be interested if the model is a typical curio item such as is typically sold in nautical gift shops. Second, people who specialize in restoration work may occasionally do it out of the goodness of their hearts, but normally they expect to be compensated for their work, and it is not inexpensive. This topic sheds more light on the subject. Kind regards, Chris
  18. Thank you, Keith. With that encouragement, I have adjusted the upper limit of the odds to 0.0005%. 😉
  19. The first eight lines are done. Based on how much 'fun' I had attaching these lines, I'd estimate the chance of the other eight getting done at somewhere between 0% and hell freezing over. 😑😑😑
  20. Well, as usual, working with EZ Line has proven to be anything but easy. After managing to secure one -- repeat: one -- halyard, the second one resisted all efforts to secure it -- and there were many efforts. First of all, despite all my care in trying to not trim the halyard lines too short before gluing them, I nevertheless trimmed the second one too short, which meant that the tag end of the stupid stretched line simply refused to be glued, even with fast-cure CA, which, despite the name, is not necessarily 'fast'. So, in defeat, I removed that halyard entirely and made a new one. I'm now waiting for its first glued end to dry completely before making the effort to secure it. Despite the results it produces, I detest working with EZ Line. 😡
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