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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Great job on a very unusual subject! I think the lettering looks appropriately in character, since precision masking and painting does not seem to be normative for these colorful craft. Cheers!
  2. Small problem -- the indicated part does not exist (34d is just an edge strip), neither as a printed part, a laser-cut element, nor even a numbered part in the diagram. Strange. Gonna have to mull this one over a bit -- the needed part is too big to conveniently cut out with my hole punch.
  3. 14 cylinders x 15 parts per cylinder = 210 parts. 🤪 So far I have cut out 70 parts and assembled 32 of them. To be continued . . .
  4. Based on the metal hulls and rubber bumpers, the Texas boats appear to be built to a different set of requirements. 🤔
  5. Congratulations! That's two great-looking models.
  6. This is a delightful kit and makes a very interesting model with minimal space requirements. If you read my build log, then you already know that the only real gripe I had with the kit is its poor-quality rigging line. You would do well to shell out a few extra bucks and replace that material. Good luck!
  7. Well done! I bet all wooden ship models secretly wish they were on display in a nautical museum somewhere!
  8. Your model brings back fond memories. I've had the good fortune to visit the Central Highlands of Mexico on a couple of occasions after flying in to Mexico City. It's beautiful country, and the Mexican love of bright primary colors is evident everywhere. If you ever get the chance to visit Tlalpujahua, do it! My only prior travels in Mexico had been in Baja California, and I had assumed (silly me!) that all of Mexico was hot and semi-arid -- like Baja. Wrong! The Highlands have a wonderfully temperate climate. Cheers!
  9. Your hull looks fantastic! I edited your title to show WAK as the publisher (though our friend Tomek, aka Seahorse, is indeed the designer), since on the remote chance that someone searches the forum for this kit they are more likely to search for it by that name, and we should also give credit to the publisher. Cheers!
  10. Very nice! Billing Boats gets a bad rap in some circles, but your model proves once again that the skill of the builder is more important than the name on the kit box. Cheers!
  11. I already get enough push-back on the 'man cave' status of the bonus room where I do my work. 😉
  12. I'm fairly certain that any hanging of models anywhere in my house or garage will negatively impact my marital bliss. 😮
  13. That's a pretty niche item there -- I'll bet there's precious few people around who can tell if that's a reasonable asking price or not.
  14. Uh-oh -- progress may be slowed in the short term. My boss, a former A-6 driver who shares my affection for military aviation, surprised me at work today by loaning me his copy of Dead Reckoning, an account of the P-38 mission that took out Admiral Yamamoto. I haven't read a good history book for quite some time. Of course, I told him he'll be to blame now for my increased felt need to acquire a P-38 for my stash, a purchase I've been avoiding due to the finished model's size in 1/33 scale. And no, I won't build anything in a different scale, so don't ask. 😁
  15. The WW2 ship building boom is the reason why my mother's side of the family wound up on the West Coast. My grandfather and one of his brothers trekked west from Kansas to work at the Kaiser yard in Vancouver.
  16. So, after returning from a long weekend in Myrtle Beach, I made a tiny bit of progress. Work now shifts to making the 14-cylinder Pratt & Whitney radial engine.
  17. Most recent cell phone models have some kind of translation app on board. My Android phone has Google Lens. Your kit is an older kit published by Wilhelmshavener. I'm guessing it's hand-drawn and probably a little light on the instructions/diagrams -- probably not too detailed, either.
  18. Hope you feel better soon. I've had COVID twice -- it's a good time to catch up on sleep.
  19. Rudder and elevators dry-fitted. I will permanently attach these at a later date so they don't get knocked off during construction.
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