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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Google Translate works very well for this purpose. I used it to translate your message! https://translate.google.com/
  2. Hi, Meghan. You can copy-and-paste your photo directly into your reply (assuming you have a digital copy of it).
  3. Not meaning to hijack the thread, but isn't Coronet still a work in progress? The last updates I saw were from 2019.
  4. Welcome aboard, Steve!
  5. Yep, that's where I ordered from as well.
  6. Oop, yeah -- forgot about that one. That's the same guy that does the 3"/50s. I may have to email him and see if I can arrange something. My wallet might object. 😬
  7. For me, the issue with scissors is control. Working with a blade is much more precise.
  8. What the heck -- I ordered both, fine and medium.
  9. Before attempting to tackle the daunting task of rigging, I decided I will take a little detour and try making some of the guns first. The 20 mm mounts are 3D printed, so no issues there. The 3"/50 resin set included only barrels -- depending on how the construction of the mounts goes, I may opt to replace those with complete 3D printed guns available from another producer (they're not cheap). As far as I can find, though, no one makes a 3D printed 1.1" quad mount, so that one I will have to make mainly out of card in any case. Here's the parts sheet and printed barrel set. Yeah, this is gonna be fun. 🤔
  10. I just had an eye exam a couple of months ago, during which my ophthalmologist informed me, at the ripe old age of 59, that in addition to my numerous floaters, astigmatism, 20-30 vision (corrected) in one eye and 20-40 in the other, I now have "all three" kinds of cataracts in their early stages of formation. No doubt this is from years of squinting at tiny modeling elements. 🙄 I may just have to pull the trigger on some Infini line -- I'm a sucker to try new things. Your comment about the medium vs. fine makes me wonder whether fine may not be better -- at stand off viewing distances, 1/250 wire rigging does really kind of disappear. What are your thoughts?
  11. We have a number of finished Wye River Models kits on our site. Definitely a mom & pop operation and off the beaten modeling path, but like you said, they offer unique subjects, and people do manage to finish them. Good luck!
  12. I'd like to get some more info on the Infini line, with which I'm unfamiliar. I looked it up online just now and see that it comes in a variety of colors and diameters. The line that they recommend for 1/200 scale ships is half the diameter (and twice the price) of fine EZ Line, and supposedly stretches, same as EZ line. Do you know if it is round in cross-section (EZ line is flat), and how well does it glue to different materials?
  13. Thanks, Egilman. I will be giving much thought to how to do this task. Some of the obvious hardware, e.g. sheaves and turnbuckles, is nearly impossible to replicate at this scale, and the attachment points are not always plainly marked (not helped by the dark camouflage colors, especially the deck). I will be moving ahead slowly -- might even need to take an airplane break before tackling this!
  14. Yes to the first question. The only restriction on the gallery is that the model be finished. You can certainly create a retroactive build log in the build logs section -- that is not an uncommon thing to do here.
  15. Welcome! Lovely display, though with all the seismic activity in Turkey I hope your display is anchored somehow! 😬
  16. Certainly appears to be a great value.
  17. Yep. As has been stated elsewhere, toss in the joys of flying around in a highly flammable, unarmored, unheated, unpressurized, castor oil-spewing target with no self-sealing fuel tanks, no fire suppression system, and no parachute, and you can see why the life expectancy was so short.
  18. Step 25: Mast I have been making slow progress on the mast -- a few bits here, a few bits there. The instructions recommend assembling the mast on the model. Building off the model is listed as an option. I have chosen an in-between method. Many of the athwartships elements can be added and allowed to dry with the mast lying flat. Eventually, though, some fore-and-aft elements are going to have to be added, and at that point the mast will have to be held vertical, as seen in the photo. When I get to the point where I think I can no longer handle the mast without knocking stuff off, I'll add it to the model and then add the final bits. The main mast is a length of steel rod clad in paper; the bits so far added bring the parts total to 37. Still plenty more to do! Oh, and Egilman's drawings confirm something I at first thought was kind of odd: the navigation lights on the mast are perpendicular to the waterline, not parallel to the mast rake.
  19. NOW HEAR THIS! Friends, MSW requires that your gallery images be posted in named gallery albums. Loose gallery images (i.e., not in albums) are periodically cleaned out (i.e., DELETED). Please note the relevant instruction posted at the top of each gallery: That means that @Mirabell61, @Jason Builder, @Richardp6, @RacerToo, @reklein, @Mark Lynch, @East Coast Oyster Sharpie, @Menne Kosian, @Rvandg, @Frank L., @cliff coppen, @Carlo Farina, @Peter6172, @Angler84, @closehaul, @bear, and @cihat karatas: YOU ARE CURRENTLY AT RISK OF HAVING YOUR LOOSE GALLERY IMAGES DELETED. Please move them into albums soon! If you need help with creating an album, contact a moderator. Thank you!
  20. That stood out to me as well. Remarkable precision!
  21. That was my first guess when I saw his picture. My daughter works for a breeder (Crockett Doodles), and that's one of the 'designer dogs' they offer. I sometimes tease my daughter that back in our day they were called "mutts," but there's no denying they can be very cute.
  22. Welcome aboard, Scratchie!
  23. I also just found out that there is a volume on England in the Conway Maritime Press AOTS series.
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