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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Agreed! Your vents turned out great. I always find constructing them a bit of an exercise in terror and frustration.
  2. I really like the color schemes used by all of the combatants in North Africa. I have Hans-Joachim Marseille's Bf-109F-4 and a USAAF Spitfire Vb tropical in my card model stash.
  3. Several things to take note of in this photo: I decided not to glaze the windows behind the cockpit. There's nothing of interest to see in the compartment, and cutting out the printed "glass" panels would leave a very narrow and weak strip right next to where the sharpest bend in the exterior skin is -- that's a potentially deadly combination. Plus, the skin fit is very tight, and adding the glazing would make the fit worse. There's a slight alignment error, which you can spot at the place where the wing's trailing edge will eventually meet the fuselage. There was little to nothing I could do about this -- the dorsal and ventral alignment tick marks matched perfectly. The opposite side matches perfectly, too, so correcting this side would only throw off the other side. Oh, well. Worse than the slight alignment error is the fact that the colors on the next fuselage section, cut from a different parts sheet, don't match those on the previous section. You can see the difference in the photo -- it's not a trick of the lighting, and it's more apparent in real life. The blue on the forward section has a definite greenish tint, while the aft section is a truer blue. Since some of the fuselage skins are printed on one sheet, while the rest are on the second sheet, this mismatch will be seen elsewhere on the fuselage. It's kind of a bummer, and it's a printing error, so there's really nothing to be done about it. Cheers!
  4. Witam! Sounds like a scratch project to me. As one of our forums die-hard card modelers, I have a great appreciation for Poland's contributions to the art of modele kartonowe. Enjoy your stay!
  5. Constructo used to make a kit for it. It might turn upon eBay.
  6. If anyone is interested in this kit, Model Expo currently has it on sale for $69.99, which is a good price.
  7. Hey, Mark, loan me your PayPal credentials, if you'd be so kind. 😆
  8. BTW, if anyone is still thinking about trying a card model, this estate sale over at Paper Modelers still has a lot of models left to choose from. Personally, I'm trying very hard not to make a third purchase from this sale, because I already have enough kits to last me a lifetime. 😬
  9. I'm not clear on what you are asking for. Did you order the laser-cut detail set but not the actual kit itself? Because the instructions come with the kit.
  10. Very striking! I enjoyed the sequence of photos showing the yard being hoisted. Cheers!
  11. Sub-structure for horizontal stabilizers finished and skins cut out. I won't glue these together until I have the fuselage finished and can then better judge the spatial relationship between frames & skin. And first fuselage skin attached. Fit looks good so far. Dion, I'll have to look into your suggestion.
  12. The most likely reasons are no one has asked for one (or at least very few people have asked), and it would probably entail a not insignificant amount of work for an MSW staff member. On top of those two reasons, sharing photos gleaned from the internet often constitutes some form of IP infringement.
  13. Finished the sub-structure for the empennage. There was quite a bit of confusion with this bit, because first of all I don't read Polish, which meant it took me awhile to catch on to there being different laser-cut parts for the options described back in post #28. I ended up using the wrong main profile former, which subsequently required some minor fixes. Also, the parts numbering system is unlike anything I've seen in any other publisher's kits, which again is very confusing for non-Polish speakers. But who doesn't like a challenge, right? 🙄😆 There's an inner skin that wraps around the tail wheel well, which I have added but didn't get a picture of -- cuz it's not all that interesting. Cheers!
  14. Dude -- we have an entire continent's worth of indigenous workboat types that Chris hasn't touched yet, should he ever get the urge to try something different.
  15. I realized while working on the sub-structure for the empennage that the kit provides alternative internal parts for making separate control surfaces, so I need to make the decision about those real soon. I'm leaning away from the separate parts at the moment, since this is a presentation model, and separate control surface, despite their 'cool' factor, come at the cost of increased complexity and a greater potential for boogering things. Clean looks are more important on this model than extra detail.
  16. Cockpit is done now. First we have the port-side wall, which I'm fairly certain is way over-simplified, since it has only a single quadrant. Then the reflector sight. Laser-cut parts were provided for this, but -- believe it or not -- they were just too delicate. The sight was easier to make with the original card parts. And finally we have the port wall attached to the fuselage. As is usual with airplane models, much of the hard work done on the cockpit will subsequently evade much notice. Cheers!
  17. Totally depends on if you can live with yourself afterwards
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