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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. You have been a busy boy! Those shrouds and tops look great! I love how the look of the ship changes so much once the shrouds and ratlines go on.
  2. Omega1234, Edwin and Joe: Thank-you all for stopping by and for your generous comments! I am truly grateful for each and every one! Thank-you to everyone for the "likes" as well.
  3. Thank-you Augie, Popeye and Piet! Your kind comments are really appreciated! This is the kind of fiddly stuff that I love to do!
  4. I have managed to put all those spindle/balusters/balustindles to good use! A little error in my planning led to less work - only 80 spindles were needed. I've made and installed more of the decorations as well.
  5. Thank-you Mark! I feel like I should say "wow" to your comment!
  6. I've just pulled up a chair. Your off to a good start...good luck with the keel fix!
  7. Popeye and Augie: Don't think the I.O.C. will be considering the "baluster toss" as an olympic sport any time soon. I'm also picturing a big burly Scot with one of my tiny splinters.....er....balusters. Anja: Thank-you! Looking forward to an update on your Half Moon. Steve: Thanks, don't you know my goal in life is to "freak" you all out! And yes, I caught on to the "spindle aye" crack. You also nailed the essence of my question!! I'll probably call them spindusters or balustindles so as not to offend anyone.
  8. Thanks to the tape idea, I've finished the first 60 balusters for the top taffrail. I'll be making the railing and installing these soon.
  9. Danny: "Balusters" - I knew I saw a different name for these somewhere here on MSW, but couldn't find it - thanks! Thanks for the tips! Idea 1: These tiny things are 9mm long and by the time I hold both ends, there's nothing left visible! They're also from round stock rather than flat, so a bit of rolling was involved in the cutting process which meant holding only one end. Idea 2: The tape is absolutely terrific for the trimming and tidying up I needed to do - worked like a charm. So simple and yet so effective! Idea 3: This is actually similar to what I ended up doing. I stretched a towel over a nearby chair with a little slack, and placed the chair tight to the table where I work - it "collected" the balusters like a football/soccer net! Too bad no points were awarded for hitting this "target"!
  10. Wayne: I think I could win the gold! Robbyn: Thank-you! I am smiling I'm also relieved when things actually turn out close to the way I wanted.
  11. Sjors: Thank-you for the generous comment. "You both are not from this world" - oh dear, did I get off at the wrong bus stop again? Wayne: Thank-you! I'm not sure that I'm deserving of all these "wow" comments.....but I like them. Those 120 itsy bitsy things are already driving me crazy - I spent most of last evening chasing them across the floor as I trimmed them with the scalpel! If just the right amount of pressure is applied with the blade, the spindles are launched like rockets.
  12. Adrieke: Thank-you very much! Augie: The like button and a comment - Thank-you! Popeye: Thank-you! I thought of stanchions but didn't know if that applied to wood as well. Michael: Thank-you! I'm going to try to avoid any kind of shot to the hull - it's been through enough already. Yes, we are definitely ready for winter to be over. Steve: Spindles it is then. Forgot to thank everyone for the likes!
  13. Just a small update. The quarter gallery doors and windows/lights have been carved, painted and installed on both the port and starboard. The wood bases for the quarter gallery taffrails has also been installed - now to make approximately 120 tiny spindles for these railings. (spindles is probably not the correct nautical term - please feel free to tell me the correct one)
  14. Looks great Sjors! Thanks for the pictures. You must have used an entire tree to plank that deck.
  15. The channels look great. I agree with John, great way of getting them level.
  16. Kevin: Thank-you! The blue was brave for me, I would normally lean toward more subtle colours and natural wood. Sjors: Thank-you! I can see the repair, but I'm happy no one else seems to see it. Robbyn: Thank-you! You're right about the rest of the world and I won't point it out to them.
  17. I have to say that I am truly humbled and amazed at the generous and supportive comments that I have received! They are greatly appreciated! Almost makes me want to break something and fix it again..........on second thought, maybe not. Crackers: Wow......Thank-you! S.os: Thank-you! Never been one to quit easily. Mark: Thanks for the support, now it's not just Anja and I. Danny: Thank-you! As already mentioned in an earlier post, I was inspired by your "fix". Sailor: Thank-you! I decided if I didn't fix it...who would? Shubenacadie is a lovely spot, I grew up in the Annapolis Valley. Wayne: Thank-you! I am satisfied with the repair. Theo: Thank-you! If everyone doesn't see the repair in the photo than that makes me happy, or everyone is just being very kind.
  18. Sjors: "O dear, what I'am in to......." - Sounds like trouble to me. Frank: Thanks! I think the fix made me more confident on the dark side than just the regular building. Popeye: Thanks! I wasn't sure about the red, but I'm warming up to it now. I guess I'm tired this evening, but I'm missing what you mean about "the other idea" - the port liners?
  19. Beautiful workmanship and symmetry, as usual! Thanks for the bit of history in the prelude as well - always learning something here.
  20. Mark: Well, the repair isn't quite invisible but thank-you. Steal away. I've "borrowed" many ideas from other members. Edwin: "Master"...I like the sound of that, but that is a fair distance off yet...if ever. Steve: Thanks! You caught me...you will notice that there are no photos straight on, since that would show the second bow! Grant: Thank-you. Not impossible to see the repair, but difficult. Hmmmmm....maybe if I don't wear my glasses... Carlos: Thank-you! I'm feeling happier about the repair with every kind comment. John: Thank-you! I am pleased with the repair, but mostly relieved! The leaf and vine technique - you know what they say about necessity being the mother of invention. Bob: Thank-you! If you're not careful, you will be hanging on to it - literally. Sjors: You are welcome, and thank-you! You should do a scratch build for the next time, we will welcome you to the dark side. By the time you finish Aggy, you won't need lessons!
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