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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Congratulations! Your weathering techniques have brought her to life!! She is a beauty!!
  2. She's becoming more beautiful with every new addition!
  3. Thank-you Piet! Please don't mention anything about flight....the SF has already "sailed" through the air once, and that's enough!
  4. In English it's tulle and there are 2 patterns.....square and diamond.
  5. Thank-you so much Ed! I t is always humbling, and inspiring when master modelers such as yourself stop by to leave encouraging comments!
  6. Popeye: I'd give you the 'recipe' but I have a bad habit of just mixing colours until I get the hue I like. I did mix a large enough batch though for any future use on the SF. Frank: Thank-you! I may have only done one other model before this, but I have more wood carving experience over the years - just not at this tiny scale! Edwin: Thank-you! "blue of a calm sea" - I like that, it is very appropriate! Mark: Thank-you! I am happy with these results, but have to confess, that there are several 'scrapped' sculptures in the garbage bin! I struggled with getting the left side to be a decent mirror image of the right. I snapped off arms, legs and dolphin tails as well! Couldn't even throw them in the scrap box, since the pieces looked more like dust! Michael: Thank-you! If I had the display space, I probably would have chosen a larger scale to make the "small detail work" not quite so small. Grant: Thank-you! These details are much more fun than gun port liners - ergo, I am practicing procrastination! Bindy: "I am really lost for words" - actually you did find a few nice ones to say! Thank-you! I'm off now to look for sunglasses! Patrick: Thank-you! As I've already said, I love to carve. I am planning to carve some larger items for the ship's base at some point - maybe some lions and a Spanish crest.
  7. Lovely work again Michael! Love the placement of the compass, and the doors will be wonderful when finished. Love the B&W shots too!
  8. And he probably built another couple of ships in the night while we were sleeping! Looks wonderful Denis! Looking forward to the addition of the rudder.
  9. The capstan looks wonderful Matti! Great job on the weathering too!
  10. Thanks Robbyn! The only problem with those high expections is that now I have to continue to live up to them. I am quite happy with her, but flawless isn't truly accurate....but thanks for the thought. Thanks Popeye! The blue is my own mix, so I guess we'll call it 'Sherry blue'
  11. The railing and strap look terrific. I'm quite sure your symmetry on both sides is spot on....I've not seen anything amiss yet!
  12. Great to see another update. The planking looks great! You ate definitely on track with 2.0
  13. Four more stern decorations have been added. The little figures with the dolphins are not much bigger that my thumb nail and I think I may be permanently cross-eyed now from working on them!
  14. Thank-you Doris for your very generous and kind comments! And, I definitely am having a "great time" with this model! Thank-you Robbyn! I love carving, but I am using it to avoid finishing my gun port liners!
  15. Amazing detail Doris - those decorations are very tiny! What do you use to thin the clay? I noticed in one of your videos that you dip your finger in some liquid and use it to smooth the clay. Polymer clays, like Sculpey and Fimo don't work with water, so I'm just wondering?
  16. Great job Sjors! She really is a big girl! I guess it's time to fold up my chair and head over to the Fonz log then.
  17. Absolutely beautiful Michael! Your updates never disappoint!
  18. I am NEVER disappointed when I look at your log! Those new figures/sailors are absolutely wonderful! You have mentioned in several logs that we inspire you? YOU inspire all of us!!! (pretty sure everyone agrees)
  19. Exactly! I have learned so much from your build logs! Beautiful work - again!
  20. The moldings look great and I agree, the glazing looks better - seems more authentic to me.
  21. BEAUTIFUL work Danny - as always! Grant's comment prompted me to research the size of the Aussie 5 cent piece compared to ours. The result: It's half way between a Canadian 5 cent and 10 cent piece. (American coins are the same size as Canadian) I now appreciate jsut how small that wheel is now!
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