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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Denis I'm back again! Been busy with dad etc. Gee your Titanic is looking great! Never realised how much detail there are in the funnels area. Btw what's the length of the model? Keepupthegreatwork mate Greg
  2. G'day Dimitris All I can say is WOW and ditto! Been 'off the air' for a month or so, been very busy with my dad in hospital etc. Keep up the great work! Haveagreatone Greg
  3. G'day Denis What a S and D. For the non Ozzies out there, it means sh#t and disaster. I know that you can fit it with half of your eyes closed. Havagooday Greg
  4. G'day Dimitris. Looking good! Is that a vodka and orange juice in the photo? If it isn't, you deserve one or two! Havagooday Greg
  5. G'day Boyd Your chapters are always nice to read and understand, very well done! Your Bounty is coming on great guns, the details are exceptional. Again well done. Your modified paper clips are a great idea, this will go into my memory vault aswell. Keep up the great work both on your log and your ship. Havagooday Greg
  6. But a very difficult and great piece of work. It must have taken you hours upon hours to do that! Keep it up.. Havagooday. Greg
  7. G'day Pat Well done on the shrouds! Looking great and congrats on 1000th post Havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Denis Your painting is outstanding! Years of practice does show off in the "single" hair brush work on the windows and doors. Marvellous. Havagooday my Kiwi mate. Greg
  9. "RUBBING BANDS" It took me a few hour at looking at my AL Endeavour to know what they were talking about! Must be in the Spanish/Italian/English translation or whatever! You have done a good job. Keep it up. Greg
  10. Thanks Patrick for saying this for me. Couldn't have said it better. Keep up the incredible work my friend! Greg
  11. G'day Patrick Glad that you are home in 1 piece, that is minus the stones. Remember your admiral is there to look after you, not to nag! So take her advice and rest my mate. Havafastrecover. Greg
  12. There are puns everywhere my friend, but we all wish you a speedy and safe recovery. I'll be praying for you and your family today. It's harder on them even though you are going through it. God bless Greg
  13. Yea the Ambos are great, the underpaid heros if you ask me. Will they be treating you with ultrasound to brake up the stones? All the best mate. You are in our prayers. Greg
  14. What dust? My desk is never that clean! Great work on the dry fitting of the deck. The curvature looks superb. Havagooday mate! Greg
  15. G'day Patrick What a bummer. They are bloody painful I believe, I passed a gallstone about 5 years ago, and that was painful!l. I was told by the quacks, they are as bad as kidney stones. Well keep up with plenty of water 'until it goes out of your ears' my mate. Being an Ozzie, you know what I mean. Get well soon. I can't say Havagooday Greg
  16. G'day Dimitris Marvellous delicate work you are doing there. Are you going to the paint whole thing white or just the top of it. It would be a shame to cover up some great work with paint! Havagooday my friend. BTW I thought all 12 life boats wou ld be done by now! Lol
  17. G'day Patrick The hull looks so sleek and beautiful. Can't wait for your next chapter. Goodonyamate Greg
  18. G'day Giga from Australia Beautiful workmanship in every detail. Love the finest and sometime hidden details that makes this model one of a kind. Havagooday mate Greg
  19. Looking good to me mate! Your hard work is easy for you, hard for me! BTW love you milling machine! What brand is it? Havagooday Greg
  20. G'day Alexandru Great idea!! I will put that in my memory bank aswell. Havagoodone Greg
  21. G'day Patrick I would assume that you will fibreglass your carving and the carving is a plug? I know if I ***​ume it will make an *** out of you and me! Very interested to see what happens next. Goodonyamate Greg
  22. G'day Dave Did you say plastic gratings? I've never have guessed. They look so woodish. Can't wait for your next post. Havagooday Greg
  23. G'day Patrick Congratulations on a great build! All I have to do is to start reading this log from the beginning. Greg.
  24. G'day Patrick Off to a great start I can see. The hull looks super sleek and so so small. Can't wait for your future logs. Havagoodone mate G7
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