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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Doris I've been reading your log from the beginning with my jaw on the ground. I can't believe what artistic craftsmanship that you have lovingly put into this amazing ship. I find it hard to believe it's made mostly of card and very little tools. Its mind boggling to say the least! I'll be looking forward to your next card masterpiece with baited breath. Goodonyou! Congratulations again on an inspirational piece of art! Greg from the land down under!
  2. G'day Denis Outstanding piece of craftsmanship. If I can put my 2 cents in, I think they would need a slight stain. Haveagreatone Greg
  3. G'day Denis and all of my yanky friends. HAPPY 4TH JULY. Well back to the model: she is looking great! I've got an idea that might help you with the lights. Have you thought about fibre optic? You can arrange the fibres in all or as many port holes that you want. It will be hard, harder than you or I can imagine. Havagooday Greg ☺
  4. G'day Marsalv You are working hard to make the "sawdust". It would drive me crazzzzy to make them! Did you say 8000? Wow that's a lot of treenails! After that is done, you have to drill the hull and then place them! See you in a few months at least. havagoodtime my mate! Greg
  5. G'day Danny I agree with most of the post, brilliant work! You have never disappointed me with your master craftsmanship. Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Denis You've a real gem there with Phyllis. Not many admirals would stand being yelled at, even though you were under stress. No wonder you have made it this far! You are going great guns with the model and it seems a very difficult process that you were doing. Keep it up, but next time try not to get so stressed. Looks who talking, I used tablets to help me when I'm stressed because of my condition. Well Havagooday mate Greg
  7. G'day Denis What a job! Fantastic is one word I can use. Love the windows and the planking. You are doing an incredible job. Well done my Kiwi mate. Havagooday Greg
  8. Unbelievable, but that is what I have came to expect from you! Haveagreatone mate Greg
  9. G'day Vince Two words: bloody marvellous. What else can I say! Haveagreatone Greg
  10. The Denis The planking looks fantastic! Well done, I'll will putting bleaching the walnut timber in my mind vault for future reference. Cheers and Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Danny Bloody marvellous is all I can say! My jaw is dropping at your details. Havagooday Greg
  12. Oh Danny Boy "My heart, my heart are waiting" for for your next post. Its looks like another piece of fine work you are doing. All the best mate Greg
  13. Awatabeauty! She's looking great, a flawless piece of planking. Well done! Your hard effort wasn't waisted in the result. Havagooday Greg
  14. G'day Jeff Just starting to watch your log and I think you have done a marvellous job. Keep up the great work! Haveagreatone Greg
  15. G'day Luc Great progress, looking forward to see more updates. All the best. Havagooday from Australia Greg
  16. G'day Denis The bleach walnut looks great to me. It's more interesting than just plan walnut or whatever you used. Well done mate! Haveagreatone Greg
  17. Dear Popeye and Olve Oly Congratulations on 28 years of marriage! May all the years to come be smooth sailing. Cheers Greg Oh, I mean Phyllis. Sorry about that!
  18. G'day Dave Now that's "step up" from the kits steps. Also the rudder looks great. Greg
  19. I havto look into getting different bulbs myself Denis. I wasn't thinking about different bulbs, I might save a penny or two. Thanks for the advice. Greg
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