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Posts posted by KeithAug

  1. Keith, Druxey, Mark, Rick. Thank you for your comments. Fortunately here are the final few photos. I was having some trouble extracting these from my phone but a teenager helped and sorted me out. So this is the final batch. Thank you for everyone who has supported me throughout the build. I usually take some time off before I commence my next project so this will be my last post for a while. But as ever I will be supporting the rest of you during my period of inactivity.




























    Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 21.24.29.png

    Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 21.24.54.png

  2. On 3/14/2023 at 11:48 PM, Keith Black said:

    Yes it is a masterpiece and it needs to be featured somewhere other than just these humble MSW pages.

    Hi Keith, I think the critique of experts is by far the most valuable resource and what better review group that all my MSW friends.

    Gary, Eberhard, Andy, Gus - thank you all for your comments.


    I not getting much modelling done at the moment. My son and daughter have added to my wife's list of home improvement jobs. Never mind. 

    I am approaching the end of my build log photos but here is the next batch. Probably two more batches left after this lot.IMG_0900.thumb.jpeg.59138658e0f4556e53a75006f29ee0f1.jpegIMG_0901.thumb.jpeg.4776198b302b550e11f82df26eec6938.jpegIMG_0902.thumb.jpeg.62ffb09d7f6a6b0e848bba20717b4294.jpegIMG_0903.thumb.jpeg.cd55635525489725e5936fa1aae05b75.jpegIMG_0904.thumb.jpeg.e9f49a2a61f6234a04fd98babcf7ba46.jpegIMG_0908.thumb.jpeg.76489916f0314495bc9b2942fa923056.jpegIMG_0909.thumb.jpeg.52afac8624ee1d51e7f390ef24f68948.jpegIMG_0914.thumb.jpeg.653743837c5a205fe884f3f797e24123.jpegIMG_0917.thumb.jpeg.a12844e6502b0397a2dbc0618217d1ce.jpegIMG_0918.thumb.jpeg.1d9cbc5ced62e567c9ef2acf91871701.jpegIMG_0919.thumb.jpeg.4da80b4db76ef2f6d4567019765ba57d.jpegIMG_0923.thumb.jpeg.50ec51e96c156ef93dd29a81781a220f.jpegIMG_0925.thumb.jpeg.d03de5eca7d7079e10e225e40027429d.jpegIMG_0927.thumb.jpeg.ac6999ca8b4dfd92e73f2fb3dad40137.jpegIMG_0928.thumb.jpeg.d1cd7f01340d243ea11d448a85906a4b.jpegIMG_0929.thumb.jpeg.c2c7596062cdb20e977e713ef8976d7c.jpeg

  3. 21 hours ago, VTHokiEE said:

    I’d go table saw as well but mostly because I picked up an inexpensive disc sander (from Menards online) that works for me for now

    I agree with the comment above. I bought the saw and find it invaluable. I bought a cheap (eBay) disc sander to go with it and modified the table to accept the saws mitre gauge - this gives me all the accuracy I have ever needed at a fraction of the cost of the Byrnes disc sander. 

    My advice would be not to try to convert the saw to become a disc sander. The though of sanding grit getting into the saw mechanism doesn't fill me with glee and I thinK you would be forever switching the saw between saw and sander.

  4. Chris - A few pictures to illustrate what you are doing would help a lot with diagnosis of the problem. All the above comments are pertinent but to be absolutely sure the photos would help. I regularly rip long lengths of 1/4 inch mahogany using a .032" slitting saw blade. This isn't the easiest of jobs but generally it works fine. I have have to say however that a lot of variables come into play which can undermine the process. These include.


    - The dryness and type of wood. (Some wood don't cut easily, and some that do cut easily don't always cut easily. I sometimes find switching one piece of wood for another cures the problem).

    - The run of the grain ( the grain is rarely parallel with the edge and the blade can try to follow the grain - sometimes cutting from the other end cures the problem ).

    - Pressing the wood too hard against the fence ( can cause the plank being cut to progressively thicken (due to blade flexing) - creating a taper effect. Keep the pressure towards the fence positive but light).


    But as I said earlier - more info would help with the diagnosis.



  5. 3 hours ago, Roger Pellett said:

    all technologies that the builders never dreamed of  certainly increases the stakes.


    Yes Roger. The android ancestors of the human race will be sending in their microbots to crawl over all of our creations and they will wonder why we went to so much trouble when we could have constructed them as "hard light" holograms.



  6. On 3/7/2023 at 5:43 PM, Roger Pellett said:

    Next,  the bulkhead has been cleaned up to correct the above problems

    I recall reading a book on ship modelling in which the writer commented that one should never display a photograph at a scale larger than life size. This good advice seems to be universally disregarded by MSW contributors.

  7. 11 hours ago, wefalck said:

    that another tactical concept was to allow the ship to fall dry on the tidal flats of the German Wadden Sea

    Eberhard - I think I had picked that up from one of your earlier comments and had assumed that in such circumstances that trining the gun would have been required. Grounding seems to be a bit of a dicey concept given the flat bottom and limited freeboard / buoyancy. I bet they had some anxious moments waiting for the suction between the hull and the mud to let go.

  8. 6 hours ago, Keith Black said:

     Like Roger, I thought I remembered a model in the sales photos in the link Tom posted but after carefully going through them I don't see a model.

    18 hours ago, Roger Pellett said:

    If you look carefully at the picture of the dining room on the pictures in the sales material recently posted there is what appears to be a model of the yacht.

    Roger - it is highly probable that your eyesight is better than mine as I need my cataracts done. Below are the 4 shots showing the internals of the main deck house. These are the only ones which show the dining table. What I think I see is a mirror behind a silver cup and above this a cabinet that may contain glassware. Are these the ones where you see a model? Screenshot2023-02-25at18_49_50.png.e5664d4a921b305c2b6ec9e05c367ee9.pngScreenshot2023-02-25at18_50_17.thumb.png.a80ce67ec6a3cd6a490c5120e3dbde88.pngScreenshot2023-02-25at18_50_30.thumb.png.460a69056831361e1257cc1749325780.png


  9. 21 hours ago, Ras Ambrioso said:

    The 3 pounder had a very powerful recoil. When they tested the side firing, the gunner was thrown overboard and the boat listed as far as the gunnels

    Ras - Thank you for explaining. I was aware that in some photos the sponsons were not obvious. What you say about recoil makes a lot of sense.

  10. 14 hours ago, Bob Cleek said:

    Have they seen your Germania? It don't get much better than that!

    Bob, I sent a few shots of Germania to Jeff Rutherford when I asked for some information and I promised to send him the link to the build log once I started it. I haven't made contact with Mr McNeil. I am not sure that he would be interested in seeing a model when he owns the real thing - lucky man.


    I really need to get on with the photos before this log morphs into a Cangarda build log.


    Here are a few pre cleaning photos to get the build log back on track before I do the cleaning.



  11. 5 hours ago, Rick310 said:

    I can probably get photos if you need them.



    Thank you - very much appreciated - that would be fantastic. It is a comprehensive set of photos looking down on the deck showing the attachment points for all the stays / blocks plus the deck planking detailing around the deck houses / skylights etc,  that I need. It is going to be a a year or more before I get to that part of the build so no need to rush out with the camera.


    Best regards,



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