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Posts posted by KeithAug

  1. Once again thank you all for your continued interest.


    I finally finished the outstanding bits but as yet haven't taken a comprehensive set of completion photos. Here are the final bits of the build and a few photos.


    The burgee carries the owners flag. This contains of the boats name stars and a swallow. I made this up at A4 scale using powerpoint. The swallow was drawn freehand, pricked out on a piece of card out out and glued on. As the burgee was being reduced down to about 1/4 x 3/8 inch I wasn't too worried about the pin holes.IMG_0350.thumb.jpeg.a60ff082fc1823301d40a9b98e55699d.jpeg


    The pig stick was made out of brass wire. 


    It was then hoisted on the fore top sail.


    The ensign was then made from paper. This was printed in two operations with the paper flipped over and aligned to get the two images perfectly symmetrical. I may make it again with thinner paper but for the moment it will suffice. The paper was bent round a pencil to get it to hang as if their was a very gently breeze. as you can see from the ensign the boat is registered in a "port of convenience".



    I then tried a few shots of the deck but was dissatisfied with the general builders dust over the deck surfaces. This curtaiedl my photography efforts but i did take one shot peeking through the open door of the deckhouse. I will clean the model and then take more shots before posing them over the next few weeks.


  2. On 2/8/2023 at 10:07 PM, mbp521 said:

    Admiral has not told me to pack it up and remove myself from the premises. I have a feeling it will be coming soon.

    Brian, sorry to hear about your marital problems. You give them the best years of your life and they just toss you out with the trash. Chin up mate, maybe someone better will turn up.😀

  3. 10 hours ago, Wintergreen said:

    But starting from 10 is not okay since all the tools will be too cold for comfort.


    My workshop has been sat at about 6c for a month or so. The other day I went in and it seemed somewhat warmer so I looked at the thermometer - 9c! Today it's back to 6c. I can only stand it for about an hour and half so not much is getting done. Work gloves and two jumpers help. I recall a 1940s war film where an occupant of a POW camp burns his model boat to keep his hut warm, I sometimes consider it Good to see you made it back to the workshop Hakan.


  4. 4 hours ago, Dr PR said:

    But I don't understand why you ran the two backstays through the double block on the main mast. That seems to me to defeat the purpose of the two backstays. The geometry is all wrong.



    I probably didn't explain it well enough.


    When rigged the fishermans sail is hoisted between the two stays and the downwind stay is loosened to allow the sail to take the correct shape. With the fisherman set only one back stay is bracing the fore top mast at any one time. Because I have not installed the fisherman I have tightened both back stays. When tightened the load path is from the top of the fore top mast to the top of the main mast. The majority of the load is then transmitted to the deck via the main mast back stays. The blocks tightening the twin fore top mast back stays are split on to port and starboard beams. 


    Thank you Druxey and Brian for commenting.



  5. Im getting annoyed with myself that i am not finishing off this build, but thanks to everyone for sticking with me. I suppose that I was having and aversion to fixing mistakes but this weekend I managed to overcome my prevarication and fixed the problem.


    As I previously said the upper fore mast back stay had been rigged as a fixed stay. During a discussion on the complexity of tacking the fisherman it became obvious that I should have fitted a pair of running back stays with only the windward stay taking the load. Although I hadn't fitted a fisherman the change was made necessary by the nagging voice in my head. The change necessitated the production of 5 more twin blocks (one of which I managed to misplace).


    I found the 5th after a half hour hunt!!!!!!!!!!


    The fixed stay was removed and replaced by a pair of back stays wrapped around the upper fore mast,



    The pair were led to the twin block mounted high on the main mast.



    I had to remove a couple of deck hard points to mount the blocks - luckily they were glued in with CA and came free neatly with the application of a soldering iron. See hole next to the uppermost hand wheel. I managed to knock the hand wheel off (its smaller than it looks) and spent a good hour getting it back on - idiot!!!


    Rigging the blocks was the easy bit - but just twice ad difficult as it would have been had it got it right in the first place.



    It now feels fixed but most people won't notice.


    I also made some progress on the flags but dinner is ready so that will have to wait until next time.

  6. 9 hours ago, FlyingFish said:

    a miss is as good as a mile.

    Yes Andy. The hull surface at the point of contact is curved in 2 axes and of course I also had to allow for the tolerance between the fore and aft vertical supports and the tolerance on the abeam width. The 4mm of adjustment that the eccentric rings gave me was very necessary.

  7. 3 hours ago, Ras Ambrioso said:

    All this brass work has been done using CA.

    Ras - I quite often use a mixture of solder and CA on components. I start with soldering but when I think structures are too complicated or small to protect from the heat of further soldering I revert to CA. Take care not to heat up brass which has been joined using CA. The heating will break the bond.
    Great job on the gun.

  8. On 1/27/2023 at 4:02 PM, wefalck said:

    It seems to make it difficult to appreciate it's wonderful lines and the artful planking job.

    Eberhard - yes you are right - but the option of lowering the table might have ended in divorce and that is very expensive option at my time of life. 


    On 1/27/2023 at 5:09 PM, druxey said:

    I find that my eye is drawn to the shiny and away from the model.

    Druxey - it doesn't look that bad in the flesh, I was clearly focusing on it in the photos which I think emphasised it. 


    On 1/27/2023 at 11:42 PM, mbp521 said:

    would the sulphur in the rubber o-rings cause a reaction with the poly coating

    Brian - I'm not sure. I tried looking up compatibility but couldn't find rubber against poly. Fingers crossed.


    Eberhard, Druey, Rick, Keith, Tom, Steve, Brian, Mark - thank you all for your comments. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, Mark Pearse said:

    What is a pig stick....?

    Mark - Thank you for you kind comments.


    A pig stick (occasionally pigstick[1] or pig-stick[2]) is a staff that carries a flag or pennant, usually the burgee of the boat owner's yacht club or private signal, above a mast of a sailboat.[3] The pig stick is connected to a halyard so that when raised to the top of the mast, it extends above the mast, allowing the flag to be seen flying above the boat's sails.


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