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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hi Alex, Nice work so far! Do you know the book by Heinrich Winter 'Hollandische Zweidecker 1660/1670'? He gives quite a lot of pictures of a model of a Dutch two-decker. Dik has used the drawings from that book as a starting point for his recreation of the Zeven Provincien, and Mamoli clearly used the book as primary inspiration for the Friesland. The pics in the book may be helpful when it comes to the detailing of the decks. Jan
  2. Hi Marc, making masts and spars from wooden dowels can also be done by hand. gives you far more control on the resulting profile than using a machine. There are quite a few threads in the 'wooden' buildlogs showing you the prces to get from square to octagonal to round. I don't know how that was done in French ships, but for dutch ships of that period, the taper of masts and spars was not a 'straight' one: in profile, the masts and spars were kind of rounded, the thickest part not being at the bottom. starting with a square dowel and doing the rounding by hand does give you the possibility to scribe the profile exactly on the wood, and make sure that it fits the regulations. Jan
  3. And ofcourse: my last like also includes the paintings between this and my previous like Jan
  4. Ah well, three ships that are certainly not covered by the books you mention..... I don't know anything on greek ships, I know that in Denmark there is a rather large literature on those drakar-like ships. Google on 'skuldelev' and you will find loads of pictures of the reconstructed vikingships. Pics give a rather nice view of the rigging and detailing of the ships. Jan
  5. Hi Matt, as a very crude rule of thunb: yes. in practice: depends. I don’t know what model you are working on, but take a 17 century dutch ship: the diameters of all ropes are related to the size of the ship in a rathe complexsystem: the standing rigging relates to the size of the mast: the standing rigging of the mizzen is much thinner than on the main. Also: the standing rigging of the topmast is thinner than the lower mast. The same holds to the running rigging: the larger the sail the thicker the ropes. So: on each part of the mast the standing is thicker than the running, but the running rigging on the lower masts is way thicker than the standing rigging on the topmasts. Besides: the thickness of the running rigging varies: the lifts are relatively thin, the sheets almost as heavy as the standing rigging. following the formal rules, my Prins Willem shoukd have around 20 different ropesizes. Using around 8 sizes did result in a visually acceptable result. Jan
  6. Thanks for the link. I didn't know that one. and I checked on the dutch tanks. Our first proper tank was a centurion (1953). Until that moment we used old shermans. No german tanks in active use at the Dutch army (at least, according to the internetpage of the Dutch army ) Jan
  7. It took me a couple of seconds, but then I realized: you took stills from the film as background. That is why your general is looking towards the city centre of Deventer But apart from that (only Dutch will realize) nice work. btw: the reason that the dilm was shot in Deventer has ro do with the fact that the city centre of Arnhem (especcially around the part near the bridge) was almost completely destroyed during the action. After the war they did a reconstruction of a couple of important buildings, all other were removed, and replaced by 'modern' architecture. (Which by now is completely outdated, and is replaced by even more modern architecture....) The bridge has been renamed to 'John Frost bridge' Jan
  8. Did you see Joseph Lavender's models? That is some amazing micro-scale. Gregs models are huge compared to his. No Varyag, however. Jan
  9. What a ship! I like those early battleships, especially after the special treatment you give them. (one question: did you use light grey/white thread for the rigging, or is it shiny as a result of the flashlight?). On the pics it looks so clean compared to al the dirt and rust..... Jan
  10. The 'real' Batavia has its wales natural. Black can be quite heavy lookin. I prefer natural. Jan
  11. The ships boats were something of a battle. There is no real instruction, so it is totally unclear whether the topside should go inside the hull, or on top of it. Either way: it wouldn't fit nicely. The topside of the large boat was around 2 mm short, and put together, it does not sit properly on its stands.... Here is the result of a couple of hours. Bit frustrating small remark: part of the boats were also in the lasercut-set. However, there the same (and some other) issues arose. the lasercut (although sold to me together with the model itself) does not fit to the DeRuyter in grey. It is specifically designed on the other version: the one in 'dazzle'-paint. In the macro-pics you can see one of the issues with the scaldis-models: when handled, the toplayer comes loose, resulting edges to loose their crispness. you can see it on the edges of the boats: they become a bit 'fuzzy' Jan
  12. Hi Kees, Good to see you again, I missed your updates! The ship is coming together nicely. How did you do those navigation lights? They look as if you just made them from real sheet metal. Jan
  13. Now I am at a loss: what colour did the car have when leaving the factory: was it white, or black?? Jan
  14. Ithough ships and maple syrup were your lines of business, but yourrailroad is also ofhigh quality! Jan
  15. This kit was (loosely) based on a model in the Rotterdam Maritime museum, https://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getdetail&id=100009961 (it is a shame that there are no high-resolution pics in this database) and I guess some basic drawings dating back from the sixties. Lots of knowledge on fluits has build up since then, mainly due to the archeology, and better access to the archives. So, when the kit diverges from the archeology, I would tend to follow archeology. The winch is rubbish: the sides should be smaller, and if there are thoseextensions, they should be forwardfacing: thta is the direction in which they should withstand some force. In some of the smaller wrecks, the whinch is going from side to side. I have also seen drawings (don't know where) with the heavy sides that enclose the winch. As far as I know, the winch should be from one piece: no way to attach two parts in such a way that the thing does not break when force is applied. In more modern fishingboats, (botters) as far as I know there are three types: round, octagonal, or round with some strips attached. The last two, to create aditional friction onto the cable. there should be square holes in it, to get the lever in. Jan
  16. West-frisian is a bit confusing terminology: in the Netherlands it refers to the northern part of North-holland, in Germany it ofter refers to anything west of their region Ost-friesland (wich is essentially the dutch provinces Groningen and Friesland). It is not correct to say that the Dutch ended the political independence of west-friesland when you refer to the dutch region west-friesland. The word 'dutch' did not come into existence after the napoleontic era. Before that the netherlands consisted of a political union of various regions, holland being the most important. The political freedom of the kingdom of frisia ended in 1300. The region around Hoorn.Schermer (the waling area) was part of Holland ever since the early middleages (the period were the zuijderzee became increasingly large). So if Frisian was ever the main language around Hoorn, it would have been around 1300, not around 1700. Around 1700 Dutch (which is essentially the dominant dialect spoken in holland) was standard in the western parts of the republic of the netherlands. The Frisian admirality operated from Harlingen (east side of the zuiderzee), and was a small admirality. The Frisian traders operated from Harlingen and Stavoren, and were mainly in the Baltic trade (wood and wheat) Whalers came from Holland, and not from Frisia. Whaling industry was located in Holland, not in Frisia. Jan
  17. Could you please post a picture. I have some problem in getting the picture, and am afraid to advise you in the wrong way. Jan
  18. In that case I understand why it is on indefinite hold. I didn't realize David sells preprinted kits, I only knew the free pdf-downloads. Jan
  19. Actually, I didn't check that. Stern is the german translation I learned for the dutch wordt ster..... I never heard noorden ster. Noordster and poolster are quite common. I am not familiar with Frisian ( which is not a dialect, but a different language). Dutch whalers came from the region north-holland (schermer/de rijp). Poolsterre would be the name to use. @robert Lamba: where do you come from that you are familiar various dutch dialects, as well as flemish? Jan
  20. On the bright side: as you have a pdf, you can repeat this one until you're happy That is - I think - one of the lessons you tried to teach us in your own card-tutorial. Jan
  21. Nice little ship. I downloaded some of the free ships, but still hesitating, as there are so many alomost invisible parts... Although there is a nice Dutch monitor. Perhaps I will do that one. Jan
  22. I checked: in books on navigation around 1775/1800 they wrote about the poolsterre. Both stern and sterne are german words. Couldn't find those in Dutchtexts. Jan
  23. Hi Dan, the model of the Rex has been build by a rather famous shipbuilder. He knew what he was doing. As Dafi wrote: the slot in the upper deck has a cover (removable). The width of the slot is such that it remains just within the so-called schaarstokken: the heavy planks that are part of the main structure of the deck. The length of the whipstaff coming through the upper deck is around 3 ft, too little to be handled from the top dedk, but exactly the length you need to pustthe whipstaff down to gain maximum rudder-angle. and as both your and my drawings show: there is no need for a long slot: due to the fact that you push down the staff, the top of the staff goesunder the deck quite soon. Comparable, rather short slots can be seen on th epics of the HohenzollernModell and a model of a Dutch ship in Gent. They all suggest that the helmsman was not onthe uppereck, but one deck down. It was not unttil the inteoduction of the steering wheel that the helmsman got to the upper deck again. Jan
  24. We had that discussion some time ago in a German forum. The opening in the upper deck is only to accomodate the overlenght of the whipstaff. The helmsmsn is down under, near the rowle. Ad you drew it: to get a reasonable rudder-angle , the opening in the upper deck should be enormous and thewhipstaff even longer. Doesn’t fit at all. I sketched this one for the discussion in that other forum. the end of the whipstaff goed under the upper deck even before half of the maximum rudderangle is reached. check the internet: the william Rex is a contemporeneous model: it shows a short opening on the upper deck. Jan
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