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Everything posted by amateur

  1. You label it 'thr second ull', but counting, I come to the conclusion that it is at least number four.... How much is going on in your shop? Jan
  2. The sailplan shown in the previous post is already an interpretation of the rig shown by Chapman. I checked my edition, and rhis is all there is regarding the sailplan/rig
  3. Chapmans rigs for the small vessels are not always correct (too much sail) the square topsail looks too heavily rigged: normal Dutch habit (even on the larger yachts), was to have the topsail 'flying' without lifts on the yards, and without clewlines). I don't think gretel was a Dutch yacht: there are no leeboards. Compared to the ships inthis drawing, the square sail is too heavily rigged, and the gaf is set too high: as the stay is around the mast, the gaff should not be higher than the eye of the stay. apart from that, I should say that the rig is fairly standard for the time and the region. Jan
  4. Next few months? The last months your building speed was higher (or is Zara a super-super detailed kit?) Your torpedoboot came out very nice! Jan
  5. I know what you're after, but I have a couple of things to do (work amongst others ), and a couple of models in variousstages of completion. there is a wooden Prins Willem, three paper ships (evertsen, de ruyter, v108), a small steam loco. I will not start this bird before I finish at least one of these models. The loco is not without a build-log, but that log is not at modelSHIPworld, but at a german forum ( die kartonmodellbauer: http://www.die-kartonmodellbauer.de/index.php?thread/9468-preussische-t13-pirling-1-55/). I will not start a log here (I think) Jan
  6. Perhaps facebook is the preferred thing, but their facebookpage is quite dead. Last update a year ago. Jan
  7. I’m no match for Danny. i dont’ dare to......
  8. The crew has neglected her a bit ...... difficult to beleive that this ship, and that boring bit of plastic from post #13 are actually the same thing Jan
  9. Sorry, for the time busy with something else ;) Jan
  10. Nice little boat. Looks quite similar to the paper-kit V108. Are you going to spray an oil-canning pattern? Some of the pics show such an effect quite clearly. Would bring this little, slightly flat hull to life. Jan
  11. At first I thought you slightly misaligned the rivets on the tender. so I checkedthe internet. Should have known: not Danny's idea, but misaligned by the original builders The model is as impressive as the original. I think you could stage the model insuch a way, that it will be difficult to see the differencebetween model and original: Low point of view, nice background. Jan
  12. Ureading your log, I already spotted it in yesterdays pics. ah well, every model has a good and a better side. Jan
  13. And will you be able to resist the urge to sit the remainder of the day next to your model: door open, door closed, door open and closed again? (I would not....) great fun reading your log! Jan
  14. What a beautifull model! Outstanding work, and a really nice buildlog to follow. forgive me my last ignorant question, but what kind of medal is lying on the pedestal? Jan
  15. Yup, dangerous stuff. Btw Ever thought of using square dowels to pick the dirt of your cooking pans. (I guess they Work better than round ones) Jan
  16. Did the keel-rabbet sit in the middle-line of the wioden hull? I had sevre priblems getting the keel in the middle and square. My schooner is still sitting unfinished in my room.... (Started in 1991, but abandoned before rigging was completed) Jan
  17. You can almost see the little sailors run to their battle station! (And your hand keeps being unexpectedly large ) Jan
  18. Over here, there used to be very small wooden clothing pegs (actually intended to hang your chrismascards on a string). no glue whatsoever. I can't find a picture of them, only of minipegs that are ways larger (1 inch) than the ones I have ( .5 inch). Jan
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