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Everything posted by amateur

  1. And today I did the othger side. Ratlines finally finished. I secured the knots with white PVA (diluted), but as that is still drying, I did not snip off the ends. Studying the rigging plan I discovered that two clamps on the bowsprit would be too few. So: destruction in a mild way, and replacement by four new ones. As there will ben loads of rigging line onto them , I didn't pay too much attention to the fact that they are not equal shaped. (and besides: the difference is below 1 mm) And here the first part of the crowsfeet on the main mast. The block is made from a strip of wallnut 3x2 mm, about 1 cm long. Problem is the same as usual with these "add-ons" to the stays: the rope with with the block is stropped has some resistance, so forcing the block into the right direction by tensioning the crowsfeet, results in a kink in the main stay (which is already is under some tension, so there is still some thinking to do....) Jan
  2. I'm still looking for the 'bad news', but apparently, this is not it. I just finished my ratlines today, I'm nog envying you at this scale, and at your level of perfection. Jan
  3. Nice colour of the ratlines! Are you sure the last (=leftmost) shroud is straight? Jan
  4. It gives a nice idea on the sizxe of the model, and the increadible detail. Fully rigged hooks the size of a ladybird... Jan
  5. I know, but you'll probably have to wait over 24 hours if he confirms..... (I don't know whether or not I will be next to my PC tomorrow) So if he confirms, mine is already there, if he doesn't (which I seriously doubt, given his clues), ignore my previous post Jan
  6. Then I give you the next one Slightly different type of ship I took the liberty to edit out both flags and name.... Jan
  7. Polyphemus was the cyclops that Odysee came across on one of his journeys. Jan
  8. Homer never met those Martians. And actually, the connection wioth Jasons Cyclops isn't that loose Jan
  9. There was a torpedoboat in War of the Worlds, but.....that's not the one you're after, as there wasn't made a picture of her (yet ) Jan
  10. Llittle green men from outer space are coming..... Jan
  11. something austro-hungarian, perhaps? Torpedoboat?? Although, I can't quite understand the use of those 'sidewings(?) on the hull. Stability? Jan
  12. You can just copy-past the URL from photo-bucket. Relatively quickly.... Isn't the main sail very small compared to the ship's size? Jan
  13. does that mean submarine tender? Jan
  14. She seems to have a massive search-light up front.... Jan
  15. Did some ratlines this weekend. Ratlines almost done by now, just the other side of the mizzen to do...... Jan
  16. Your source is wrong. This is definitely the Aurora Jan
  17. I'm pretty sure it's aurora.... Potemkin (the 'mutiny'-one) was a battleship, with much heavier superstructure Jan
  18. Interesting one. You don't see these ships modelled too often. Why do you date her 1942? As far as I know she was build 1937. 19/2 was her first action in combat. I guess you kow this one: http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&database=ChoiceMardig&needimages=true&searchterm=tromp%201937&allfields=&title=&keyword=&creator=&collection=&shipname=&invno=&museum=&startrow=1 and some pics here http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&database=ChoiceMardig&needimages=true&searchterm=1942%20tromp&allfields=&title=&keyword=&creator=&collection=&shipname=&invno=&museum=&startrow=1 Problem is: I don't know whether this is the Bofors you need.... http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&saveToHistory=1&database=ChoiceMardig&needImages=YES&searchterm=bofors+tromp Jan
  19. We all started liking the pic, as it is incredible that you do these lashings in this scale, but that's not an answer to your question. I can only refer to Lees and Marqhuardt: they don't show these lashings. That does suggest that it is of a later period... (although, as you seem to be looking at a way to get as many knots in a line as possible, that is not the answer you are looking for ) Jan
  20. Problem is that all those old pictures are coloured nowadays. I'm pretty sure this is a WW-I hospital ship. (couple of yesr ago we had all those red-white ships in the game at MSW-1) Jan
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