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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks Rusty. Still a way to go, but close enough to have opened the box of Essex, which I received recently, to at least have a look. Bob
  2. The deck planks were cut to length. Full length planks were 20-30 feet in length with the joints falling on the bulkheads. I used a three step butt shift. I hope that helps. Bob
  3. I like your frames as well, Pete, but you have to decide how much, if any, you will leave unplanked. I left only a small section, while others have left large areas or none at all. You only have to please yourself. Bob
  4. The outer hull is now complete with the addition of the molding, trim, fenders and steps. The molding is pear, made of two rounded and laminated pieces, rather than using a scraper on a single piece. The trim piece at the top is a piece of ebony. I chose to do this rather than another pear molding as a matter of artistic license. The fenders are cut from boxwood and sanded to shape. The steps are also boxwood and were filed to shape. Unlike some others, I chose to mount the fenders first and then added the molding and trim in pieces to fit. I just find it easier to get tight fits this way, rather than first mounting the moldings in one piece and trying to notch them perfectly. It's now time to do the hatches, bitts and guns. Bob
  5. It's good to hear from you, Remco. It''s been some time and I was getting concerned. Sorry that Kingfisher is on hold. Bob
  6. Thanks Ben. The treenails are bamboo from skewers. All of us together couldn't use up the package I got in the supermarket. Bob
  7. The fixed blocks are really quite simple. They are made up of 4 pieces of stripwood to form the sides of a box. The sheaves were made from slices of dowel sized to fit the opening and glued in place. The assembly fits in a slot created in the framing and was left thick enough to allow for the planking, inside and out. It was sanded flush on the outside after planking. I don't have any photos of the assembly itself, but some of the photos of the framing and planking show it pretty well (see pg 1 of this log). I hope that helps. Bob
  8. Thanks Russ, Rusty and Augie. It's always good to hear from you guys. Bob
  9. Part of the decision as to placement of the blocks will depend upon the amount of planking you intend to do -- or put another way , the areas, if any, that you don't intend to plank. The blocks shouldn't be placed where there will be no planking. Bob
  10. I have now planked and treenailed the upper hull exterior. The planking is boxwood. In doing the planking, I made slight adjustments to create the rebate for the gangways. After completing this work, I applied a coat of Wipe-on Poly finish to the entire outer hull. The remaining work on the outer hull will consist of adding the moldings and trim, the fenders and the steps. That work is now underway. Bob
  11. The frames look great, Paddy. Using spacer blocks really helped to stabilize the framing while fairing. Bob
  12. A terrific achievement Augie. No one would believe that this is your first -- and we're all glad that it won't be your last. I'm looking forward to your Confederacy, but a little sorry that we won't be doing Essex together. Bob
  13. I'm impressed. Your blocks are great. Lacking a mill, however, I'm afraid that I will have to keep buying mine from Chuck -- unless you're going in the business too. Bob
  14. Congrats, Augie. Like everyone else, I can'wait to see the finished product. Bob
  15. Good to see you making progress again, Mark. The planking is looking good. Bob
  16. Thanks, Jaxboat. If you have the kit, you should build it. While there are shortcomings, it provides a unique opportunity to build a fully framed model without having to scratch build all of the framing. In addition, there are now so many great build logs for Swans on MSW and the availability of the TFFM books to really inspire and show the possibilities for enhancing the kit. There are so many things that I wish now that I had done. I hope you have a go at it. Bob
  17. The second side of the gun deck and bulwark planking is now completed. I've also put the first coat of Wipe-on Poly finish on the bulwarks, gun deck framing and planking. I'm now working on the exterior planking. Bob
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