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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Off to a good start Hamilton. I'm looking forward to following your build. Bob
  2. Really nice looking deck planking Nigel. The tissue looks just right. Bob
  3. Patrick, all the best to you with regard to your health issues. The stern is shaping up well and looks to be a good start on your ambitious project. Bob
  4. Great work on that pinnace Grant. Very impressive. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Thomas. When can we expect more from you? Bob
  6. Sam, I think that it's a great idea for you to post this log. Everyone will get a chance to see you build a beautiful model that will hopefully soon result in a really fine kit. Bob
  7. Congratulations Hamilton on a really beautiful build. I echo B.E.'s sentiments on how impressive it is at such a small scale.I look forward to your next, whenever it may be. Bob
  8. Thanks Ken, Sjors, B.E. and Nils and the "likes". Much appreciated, as always. Bob
  9. Thanks Augie. It's time for you to get some indoor time again. I miss your build. Now I understand, Sjors, and there's nothing wrong with the question. My understanding is that on a forecastle of this length (30-35' or less), single full length planks would be used. The same would be true on other short decks, as well. The full length planks I used measure out to about 28'. Bob
  10. Thanks so much Mark, Nils, Grant and Sjors for the very kind words and also to the "likes". Sjors, I don't understand your question. It was certainly my intent to do the planking to scale. Bob
  11. While watching glue dry over the past couple of weeks, I began to fool around with what to do with the forecastle. The last few days, I came up with my conclusion, and did the deck planking that I'm going to do. The result is a margin plank at the perimeter, a strip of planking down the center, and a small band of planking at the aft end to support the barricade and belfry. All of the planking is holly, with the margin planks cut from sheet, using card stock templates, and the rest from strip, fitted around the openings and bitts. The caulking is simulated with pencil and the treenails are again simulated with golden oak filler in drilled holes. Wipe-on Poly finished that work. I also added the the steam hatch and the coaming for the stove stack at this time. I probably won't add anything else until after the bulwark planking is in place. Bob
  12. While it's difficult to avoid some unevenness in the planking, you might find it easier to use scale length planks, rather than long pieces. The shorter planks are easier to shape and control. Beveling one edge of the planks can also help with this problem. I'm sure it will be fine with some sanding. Bob
  13. Thanks Patrick. The gratings are the laser cut kit parts, stained with Golden Oak stain and finished with Wipe-on Poly. Bob
  14. Thanks Ken for both the kind words and your"two cents". Bob
  15. Very well done Ken. You are so right about the tedium of doing the guns. I also do them in manageable batches. Bob
  16. Thanks so much Alistair and Grant for the kind words. Alistair, right or wrong I like your reasoning on the gun rigging. I'm for anything that saves me from doing any more of it. Bob
  17. Four more guns made up, mounted and rigged -- only four more to go on the gun deck. I can't imagine doing this on a 74. As usual, I added the deck ringbolts. I also ran the anchor cables into the open hatch and added a piece of grating in an open position. Lastly, I tied off the fore lower sheets to their bulwark cleats since they will be unreachable when the deck framing goes on. Bob
  18. I can't tell you how impressed I am with what you are doing at this small scale. Fantastic. Bob
  19. I really like the look Remco. I agree with Chris about the treenails. Bob
  20. Sam, It's good to hear about the progress with the kit revisions. My hope (and I'm sure that it's yours as well) is that this time Expo will follow what you've done. If the kit will allow someone to build a model like your prototype, everyone will be very happy. Do you have any idea as to when you will be doing the masting and rigging? I will be eager to see it. Bob
  21. Many thanks B.E. and Alistair and also to all the "likes". Always appreciated. Bob
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