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Everything posted by Remcohe

  1. Bold move Piet, the result looks great. There is a way to know what port and starboard is in Dutch too, I have to use that all the time. The first half of the dutch word stuurboord has an R in it just like right (or rechts in Dutch), bakboord (port in Dutch) does not have that. Remco
  2. The antenna installation looks great. You might opt for not removing the decals but just repaint them? Remco
  3. At this scale ???? That's a tough one, maybe if you use brass. I think wood is to delicate for such fine curves and thin legs. Remco
  4. Piet, regarding the flags I've been thinking. I never tried it but what about really thin plastic card, <0.01", shape it into form and then stick some decals to it. With the decal paper you still have you could make some red and blue stripes (first paint then cut to size). Remco
  5. Nice Danny. I hope you do find the mast plan from Admiralty models, it has all the details you need. Remco
  6. Interesting Piet, I did not know the Royal Dutch Navy had a different flag than our national flag, learning something every time here in your build log. Remco
  7. Danny I just realize it's been way too long you've show an overview picture of your Vulture. You always have been showing all the details but I was stunned (but not surprised ) to see how beautiful everything is in the overview shot above. I can only say 'please show me more!' re: the masts, you'll find that lots of fun. Remco
  8. Gaetan, at the slowest setting my dremel (cordless type) still turns very fast, and even with the flexible cord I find it to bulky to operate near my model. My other micromotor has no 3 jaw chuck. Remco
  9. Thanks all for the kind comments. Alan,I use a pin vise to drill the holes, my dremel is much to aggressive for this type of drilling and the smaller drills do not fit in my other micro motor. Next to that I feel much more comfortable to do this precise work by hand, a powertool will not give the feedback a pin vice does. Ed, Mark, I draw the castello up to the .018 hole, getting at the smaller sizes you really need to be careful not to break the wood. I use 24" strips to get a better yield from the work involved drawing one strip. I also made a minor improvement to my Ed's style clamps as the treaded holes started to wear out pretty quickly in my case. I added square holes and inserted little nuts for strength. Remco
  10. 250 hanging knees....... and I'm going nuts over the 30 or so I need to make for my KF. I really admire your persistence to do it right. Remco
  11. Popeye, I used a white decal film and a color laser printer. I'm thinking of trying a different solution to fix the con numbers for Piet. Remco
  12. So after lots of holes and filling them up again ..... The hull ready to be sanded Close up of the end result Remco
  13. Piet, sorry to hear the gray is too far off, I don't understand how this happened. We had plenty of samples going back and forth before production began.... Instead of touching the out line up with ink you could try to lay one of the transparant decals with just the outline over it. Remco
  14. Fantastic Piet, she looks superb. The finish is in sight. And thanks for sharing my favorite drink Remco
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