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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. I like the cutaway view, its cool. I like the idea of using the natural color of wood as well.
  2. Looks like you are off to a fine start. Good to see you've posted a build log.
  3. Thanks for posting your build. Your carving is excellent.
  4. Good tip Mark. I used a Rockwell sonicrafter on the deck and hull of my Conny with good results.
  5. I just used a sanding block on my Fair American.
  6. thanks! i had to order some styrene to finish them. send me your email an i'll send the forms.
  7. Thanks Wayne and Geoff. I'm going to experiment with different line sizes to see what works best for the size of the hole in the new blocks. I plan to use as much of the kit supplied rigging lines as I can.
  8. They are from Warner Woods and he doesn't have a website. He operates via email and postal service. His email is: warwoods@infowest.com I have the order forms and can email them to you if you want.
  9. Thanks for tip. I'll wait and paint the outer hulls after finishing the interior.
  10. Looks great! I like the shade of blue that you used. What color and make is it?
  11. Very interesting story. Thanks for posting.
  12. I agree with Adrieke, I've had very unpredictable results using mine. Sometimes the pin will go in smoothly and other times it takes a lot of force. I drove mine right through the hull a couple of times, so I gave it up.
  13. The carriages turned out well. That's a good way to make sure they all match.
  14. I agree with Andy. I've used the Tamiya primer on wood, metal, and plastic with good results. I just wish they would sell it in a bigger container because I go through a lot of it.
  15. I received my new blocks from Warner Woods today and below is a picture to show the comparison between them and the ME blocks. The blocks are 3/32" and 1/8". I included the number 11 exacto in the picture for scale. Following that is a picture of the current state of the ships boats. They are shaped and ready for some wood filler to hide all the imperfections before painting. Here are the blocks, 3/32 at the top and 1/8 at the bottom: Boats:
  16. Lol, I know Geoff. I'm due another update soon. I finished shaping the boats and need to work some magic with wood filler to finish the little guys. I also received my blocks from warner yesterday so I'll be able to start rigging the guns.
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