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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. I have a heard fo a product called Metal Rescue Rust Remover but have never tried it so can't vouch for its success. http://www.amazon.com/Workshop-Hero-WH290487-Rescue-Remover/dp/B005JVNQPQ
  2. I have this kit sitting on the shelf. Looking forward to seeing your build progress.
  3. I can't speak for the Mamoli kit but I'm building the MS version and its a good kit. Just keep in mind that there are quite a few parts that will need to be made from scratch.
  4. Your boats are turning out really well. You could almost do a separate log for the boats. They are a lot of work!
  5. Thanks Mathew! I think the brass looks good and gives nice contrast. It makes those little details easier to see with the naked eye.
  6. I suspect I'll mess up every part at least once, so I'm going too need a large supply of wood. Seriously though, the Conny has been a learning experience, so I know I can do it. I will have to learn some new skills though.
  7. On my way over Mark. I hear the instructions for scratch building are way better.
  8. Thanks Geoff. I guess I'm just getting weary of buying things above and beyond whats in the kit. I'm going to do my best to make use of whats there.
  9. Thanks Jason. I found the teakwood on ebay and the cradles were cut from a 1/4" sheet of mahogany I got from model expo.
  10. Its been a while since I updated my log so here we go. I have been working on the ship although progress has been slow lately due to other obligations like gardening and yard projects. I had to prep and put down 500 square feet of sod and I built a garden area. Anyway, I've been skipping around a bit on the various things I need to do on the model, most likely to avoid rigging guns and making chainplates. I started working on making the belaying pin racks and installing the chocks. Frustratingly enough there are no chocks included with the kit, no cast ones, no wooden ones, nothing. I am irritated by that. Fortunately I have some cast ones laying around that I can use. I also finally built a stand. Here is the belaying pin rack at the bow. I have assembled two of the four racks required for the fore mast. Below the rack in the picture you can see what I think is a mooring chock. I managed to get it to fit although the maker of the practicum wasn't able to do so. You can also see the eyebolts installed for gun rigging. I decided not to use the rigging parts made from styrene as recommended by the practicum and just go with eyebolts. Here is the stand. A chunk o' teakwood with cradles made from mahogany.
  11. Disappointing news as I like the Floquil paints.
  12. Good question. They would have to get it back on the ship too.
  13. Hello Jakob and welcome! It looks like you are getting some good advice here. I recommend that you go ahead and start a build log and post some pictures of your build.
  14. Jim, I changed the title for you. As far as questions, it depends on the subject about which you are asking. For example; if you have a planking question post in this forum: Building, Framing, Planking and plating a ships hull and deck If you have a masting and rigging question post in this forum: Masting, rigging and sails I'm not sure about moving the post; which post do you want to move?
  15. Welcome to MSW! Looking forward to seeing your log. Are you building the Model Shipways kit? There are a few other Conny build logs here including my own that I think will be of help to you.
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