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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Thanks RoadRunner! I have been a bit neglectful of the model as of late but she will resume eventually. Hit a couple of frustrating areas and decided to put her aside for a little while. I have not been completely idle though.
  2. This is the best picture I have of the area. You can see how the wooden deck fits around the structures. I can't remember which wooden deck it was. I want to say Pontos but I'm not 100%% sure. It was self-adhesive and also sprayed it with a white glue water mixture an it worked great. No peeling at all to date.
  3. I built this model last year and used a wooden deck. I didn't have a gap like that so you might need to do a little trimming.
  4. Good luck with the build glennard. This one will keep you busy for a while. Also, I deleted the duplicate log for you.
  5. Thanks Jerry. That answers my question. It looks like you might need two sets of hands to attach one of those patterns.
  6. Hey Jerry, you're Vic looks great. I'm curious about the long gun port patterns used on the model. Did you have to glue those down a couple of bulkheads at a time to keep the glue from drying before the whole thing was secure?
  7. Bill, you will need to clean it up as best you can. As you mentioned, fairing will take care of most of the hull. It does leave kind of a residue on the surface of the wood that may affect gluing.
  8. Good idea TJ. I have lots of wall space so I just hang them with office clips and Command wall hangers.
  9. I have the kit but haven't built it yet. Its a nice little kit with decent instructions and good materials. Its a nice kit to start out with.
  10. Check out my build log pictures on page 1, they may be of some help to you. There are a few other Conny build logs on here that will help you also.
  11. Good catch. You'll definitely want to use the same one consistently.
  12. Welcome Eric. I bought the same kit several years ago and there was a few parts missing from mine also. CC will send your missing parts along pronto.
  13. I think there are a variety of things that may affect difficulty rating such as the number of masts, level of detail, how many parts will need to be scratch built, etc.. Its hard to say what would determine the difficulty level of the two kits without knowing more about them. Here is cornwalls description of each level. http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/difficulty.html
  14. Welcome to MSW! Thanks for sharing your progress with us. Your cross section looks well done. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your build.
  15. Nice work Albert. Are you using a scroll saw or cutting parts out by hand?
  16. Thanks JS! John - JS is correct. Just send him an email and he will send you the price list and order form. You will have to mail the order to him if I remember correctly.
  17. Looking good! You have some innovative ways of doing things. I'll get back to work on mine one of these days.
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