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Gone, but not forgotten
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Posts posted by dgbot

  1. Hi David


    I wish! But, I'm having too much fun doing it on my own!


    I hope you're well. You've been a bit quiet lately, so I hope you're looking after yourself.





    I was told by my oncologist that according to my last bone biopsy my Myeloma Markers are starting to act up.   He decided that I have developed an immunity to my meds so it is back to regular chemo. and a different medication.  My hands have become more stable so I can work on my Maine again.

    I have been trying to get more active developing the muscle tone that I lost and walking up and down the stairs.  My sister said that She was happy with my progress considering i was in a wheelchair and using a walker.  

    I envy you the work you have done on your yacht.  I have always admired miniaturists.

    David B

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