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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Torture pain agony how can you do this. My feeling of supiority and self esteem are fading. Great work. I would like to do a vulcan mind meld and absorb all of your talent and skills. Bravo on a job well done. David B
  2. My apologiies I was not sure of what you were looking for. I would go with #3 David B
  3. May god bless your mother. It is hard to have someone you love being seriously ill. My mother has diabetes in a very bad way. She is being scheduled for an appoinment at the University of Iowa for her foot. David B
  4. Try to find a flat wipe on poly if you can. David B
  5. Nicely done I would like to see that model at Manitowoc this year. It looks great. I will be looking over your log when I get to it. David B
  6. I like you are making me jealous. David B
  7. I just finished your log. I wish I found it earlier. I have seen this vessels before on Lake Michigan and have always been fascinated by there loading and loading facilities and equipment. You are doing a great job. I think you should take your wife out to dinner more often to say thank you for letting me build this model in the house instead of the garage. David B
  8. When milling freehand one of the first rules that I learned is to take light cuts. A little at a time. This way you have more control and less of a chance for getting hurt. Also I must stress this wear eye protection at all times. I lost and optivisor years ago when a mini end mill snapped and hit the lens. Better a new optivisor ot safety glasses than a new eye. David B
  9. What is your rationale? I do not see much of a distance but my eyesite is not what it used to be. David B
  10. There are several tutorials on casting out there. The principal will be the same whether using resin or brittania. The mold can be a 2 part rubber mold or from modeling clay. Alumilite is one of the main suppliers. I also believe there is a tutorial MSW that will help you get started. The great thing about resin is it will show everything that is on the master including the fingerprints. David B
  11. You are off to a good start keep up the good work. David B
  12. If you can paint before hand do it. This will make it easier for down the raod. David B
  13. Nice boats what kind of resin did you use? David B
  14. I sincerely doubt it. I have found that these removable tabs come in handy when clamping or bracing. David B
  15. Very nice. Cardstock and veneer? David B
  16. When using 2 part epoxy I will generally try to mix up just enough to do the job. Usually just a few dabs of each If there is a little to much so be it. You have to play around a little to learn how much you are going to need at any one moment. David B
  17. The next item was the deck gun and the the rest of the superstructure. Is this model perfect no. But considerering it is my first attemp at a new medium I am satisifed. The next time I do this kit I will apply what I have learned and will use different materials as well. The antennas will be replaced with wire and the tower will be attached in such away as to insure a square fit. I have done some research and have found a lot of little things that can be done behing the scenes. I had a good time and had fun and learned to techniques. To me that is what made this kit fun. David B
  18. Next came the tower assembly and the placement. Here I was a little off but I have learned what I need to correct this error the next time
  19. After completing the hull I had to make a decision about using the parts for the superstructure. The basic pieces did not look good and were very crude so I used the advanced parts. This involved folding and bending and a exoeriemnting to get the right shape. I started out with the tower. Once this was assembled I cut out the antennas andglued them up. Needless to say I had to print out a few pages before I got anything decent. David B
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