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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Doris if you make one Nelson spend a week on it and it will be your crowning masterpiece for this model. David B
  2. Go for it Nenad. I have faith in your tenacity. David B
  3. You have nothing to be sorry about Toni. Your work is a pece of technical perfection. I wish I had half the skill you have. David B
  4. I have alway been interesred in SIBs I will be watching thid build. Davd B
  5. In that case go for any of them. David B
  6. Your doing a fine job on your deck planking to me the rough part is always the scraping and smoothing. What a mess. David B
  7. Looking good so far. However I would fill in the spaces between your bulkheads. This will help in prevent you planking from buckling and give you more surface to glue. I have seen quite a few pinks built. It is a nice lokking model. However the hull can be a little tricky to plank because of the curves and the bow. David B
  8. Nicely done . However I thought the paddles on the Robert E Lee were articulated. I could be wrong though. David B
  9. Metal bars or some other form of protectionwould be used. Glass owuld be expensive and hard to replace . David B
  10. I like your build great joinery and very neat. Keep up the good work. David B
  11. I have made carraiges the way chuck does. However once the profile is machined out I then slice it up at an angle like a slice of bread then add the rest. David B
  12. I bet you were not happy about having to rework the entire assembly over. This took a lot of time. David B
  13. Nice soldering Bob. If you go to Michaels you will find metal leaf kits at a very decent price. David B
  14. Nice process Chuck. As for the color I wuld go with the wood the originals were made of. These vessels were made quick on a shoe string budget and not meant to last for very long. David B
  15. A feather board would be easy. But I think making the Byrnes saw with a tilting arbor would take away what to me is one of the most important features. A permanantly aligned 90 degree to table blade. I could be wrong though. David B
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