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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Very nice I use beech when I can find it but I do not find it available over here that often. David B
  2. The Cutty is a beautful vessel. However it can be a bearcat. Many who start it do not understand that it is a very large and major commitment. I built it many years ago and found it to be rough to my standards. i have been approached by peopl to build it but when I gave them a price they always say no. David B
  3. A lot of tedious repetative work. But the end result is worth it. Well done. David B
  4. Do not feel bad I loved the thrill years ago. Now if you were to put me on an extension ladder I would have to wear a diaper. David B
  5. Looking good Marc. I wish I could be at the club so I could take some close ups. David B
  6. Make a border to the outside of the case. Then take a piece of shim a little thicker than the actylic. This will provide the channel you will need. David B
  7. If you have Chrome you can view it. Very interesting. I use IE9 and Chrome. David B
  8. Thank you for the information Sailor. This kit is turning into a real learning experience. David B
  9. Testors did the samething when they bought out Floquil. I liked the Polyscale acrylic. Testor changed the nam to Model Master acrlic and bottled the paint inbottles that were half the vol. More money. David B
  10. At Manitowoc a few years back John Fox III gave a demo on how he does is models. He amkes it look easy. Including his Constitution in a watch case that he pulled out of his shirt pocket. If you can ever make or can send your model I think you would have a good time. David B
  11. This is th first I hve heard of the CA remover striiping paint. Hopefully it did not eat into anything else. David B
  12. A garden just might be the threrapy you need. Though if you turn a rose bush into a deck cabin she would probably brain anyway. GREAT WORK David B
  13. Ouch. The good thing about using a primer it shows you all the mistakes you have made. I think you are doing a swell job. Keep up the good work. David B
  14. Do want me to call the boys in the white coats? They will put in you in a nice padded cell. After 50 years you will be cured. David B
  15. You are doing a fantastic job. Years ago I picked up Longridges book on the Cutty. If you can get ahold of it you will have an invaluable source of techniques on the model. David B
  16. There are times in the past where I have hade to make multiple parts. I would take a tool but and a cutoof wheel and put in a profile. After sparpening and honing I would put it in my Sherline and proceed to cut the parts. This is the same principal as an automatic screw machine. David B
  17. Moving along well. What color are you going to paint it? David B
  18. If memory serves me correctly i used red all the way to the bow. You are doing well. Be careful when you start buiding up the bow some of those shapes can be confusing. David B
  19. A planer is used to bring a board to the proper thickness. Since it uses blades thiss can be done fairly quickly. However the downside is the exact accuracy you need and the blades have to be sharp. Unless you are an expert in sharpening this can get pricey. A thickness sander used different grets of sandpaper to achieve the same resulr. It might take a little longer but you can achve quite a bit of accruacy and control the final finsh on the wood. Fom what I have seen Jim's sander is the way to go. David B
  20. Every time I see your work and I am taken away by it' beauty. David B
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