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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Before I bought my Sherline when I had hair I used to dream up 100 of ways of using a dremel. It could be a pain and a problem. But ingenuity always won out. Congrats on a great idea . And a nice looking master. Are you going to use resin or Brittania? David B
  2. It all depends aon the stuff you are using. Aged brandy is for a nice carafe and a cigar. Wild Turkey is for glue removal. David B
  3. Your bulwarks and stanchions look great. What did you use to fabrcate them? David B
  4. You are a member of the club. Totally lost in the model. You sleep eat go ro bed obsess with it welcome to the clubI will call the boys to get the rubber room ready. David B.
  5. Hangovers are never any fun. Just use a glass of alkazeltzer and a glass of tomatoe juice with and egg in it.. David B
  6. I hate to say this but I think you have gone off the deep end. good luck. David B
  7. I am goimg to take a trip and make you disappear. Help anxiety, despair, jealousy raises its' gruesome head envy, envy. FANTATIC WORK !!! David B
  8. You are just getting started on a road to grey hair shaky fingers, 12 packs of cig 50cups of coffe a day welcome to the club of the lost. David B
  9. I could not have said it better. David B
  10. Your joinert is fantastic. nice and crisp. David B
  11. Great work. You and your custom made clamps are driving me crazy. David B
  12. All forms of plastic have waht is called a shelf life. At work all the plastic and polyurathane is dated. Depending on the type after the shelf live will become either brittle or soft or start felling like it wnats to melt but wont. David B
  13. Here is a photo from Manitowoc on a medal winner. This is the color scheme. As I said it makes up to be a pretty model. David B
  14. Thi was before digital and most of my photos from back then got thrown out by accident when I moved. The hull was a breeze. but the iron work and the stanchions were not the easy iest to duplicate to scale. Much I had to fabricate using my lathe and a ton of solder. The book that saved me was Longridge. This is the bible for the Cutty. If you can find a copy get. It was this model that really pushed me to learn metal working. David B
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