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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Congratulations Toni The sad thing is as you go further all that beautiful work will be hidden from site. David B
  2. Congtrats on a job well done. your fingers are more dainty and gentle than mine. David B
  3. The scout makes int a real nice model and can be used as springboard for other freighters. David B
  4. Your cleats and channels are superb. It is a pleasure to observe your work. David B
  5. Be proud of what you have done. As far as I am concerned your model would win a gold immediately. It is frefreshing to see actual practice as opposed to stylized. David B
  6. The Friesland makes into a great model. However one of my club memebrs built it and siad that the kit has several errors and flaws. If you do your research and think outside the box you will build a masterpiece. MSW will give you support and knowledge to build it. David B
  7. You picked a nice vessel to model. I have not seen very many of the Alert. Many years ago I had the pleasure to listen to Roger Cole talk e on about his build. If memory serves me I believe he published his work in the Journal. If he did it would be an invaluable source of information. I always like his KISS approach. Keep it simple stupid. I will be keeping an eye on your build and keeping notes. David B
  8. I am always amazed at the workmanship of your metalwork with the equipment that you have. David B
  9. Modelflex by Badger works very nice on phot-etch and you do not have to thin it. As for the ME paints they have to be thinned down to the consistancy of skim milk. David B
  10. That is what we are here for. I am looking forward to our build, David B
  11. When turning acrylic or plastic your tools must be very sharp. Acrylic is very flexible. After turning the outside of the barrel drill out the bore. When you turn it around to do the orher side put a dowel in the bore and chuck the dowel in the lathe. This way you will not damage the barrel. David B
  12. These vessels were basically designed for ramming and close quarters combat. With the reliability of artillary and gunpowder they became obsolete. David B
  13. Another thing you can do is try a wash on your sail. Experiment with a solution of dirty water and paint. When cleaning my brushes I would dip them in some water to clean them. After awhile that water would become to dirty. Experiment with this and stain, dye or tea. That would give you an of what you want. Either brush it on or soak it piece. David B
  14. Selinic acid ia a mild acid used to remove dead skin. Such as Dr. Scholls wart and callus remover. It may take a little longer but you do not need a mask David B
  15. A safer method is to use selinic acid or vinegar. It will take longer but is a bit safer and more healthy for you. David B
  16. Yes it does you are following actual buidling practice as opposed to the stylized look. I would love to see your finished model at Manitowoc when you are finshed. David B
  17. Cherry is a great choice for planking it holds an edge and is easy to work with. It looks great finished or stained or oiled. David B
  18. If you wish to simulate canvas, depending on the scale you can use tissue paper. cigaret paper, or rice paper. Experiment with a wash and you will not be able to tell the difference. David B
  19. At Manitowoc the topic of treenailing always comes up. And my response is it is always up to the individual. If the scale allows it go ahead if it will enhance the model. But if done incorrectly or out of scale I have seen to many caeses of maritime measles destroy a good model. David B
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