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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hello Alex. Outstanding, Brilliant, Superb are the first 3 words that come to me after looking at the photos. Nice very nice. Antony.
  2. Hi Greg. Another build log with lots of extra mods. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.modellboard.net/index.php%3Ftopic%3D42235.0&prev=/search%3Fq%3DBaubericht%2BBLACK%2BPEARL%2Bvon%2BHachette%26client%3Dsafari%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D672 Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Greg. Are you talking about the 6mm gap each side in part 7 if so that's OK. Part number 16 fits in here. This gap is used to join the stern and the bow section together. Look at page 6 .drawing 16 shows the 6mm gaps. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Greg. Welcome to MSW. I started the pearl but hatchet part works failed to deliver . My advice is to stick with the instruction's step by step. Add or replace if you want to make improvements. The size is nice and makes into a fine scale model. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi. Shoping @ Cornwallmodelboats is a pleasure. Orderd late yesterday afternoon and it's arrived this morning. Yes it's just the next county. But that's service Avoide the dreaded TAX inport duties if you can. Shoping direct with Model Expo. Or ther EBay shop as suggested above by Geoff. All the best. Antony.
  6. Hi Rich. Making Exelent progress with the Victory. Looks good I also got the same sander.The rotary face was about 1.5 mm out of true when I got mine. The replacement was not much better. So I bore'ed out the shaft hole and resleaved it. Other than that it a great sander. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi. There are a few on EBay. If you get a Byrnes saw order a couple of spares. Nice choice of blades for the saw. I am still on my first carbide blade and that's after cutting a mates timber for his build as well. Regards Antony.
  8. Hello E&T. had a day out at Topsham today. Managed a few photos of there ship. Photos are not good as exhibit is behind glass enclosure. The Dock she was built at. Photo of a diorama of Topsham. Hoping these will be of some use to you. If not please message me to remove them. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi. Thanks for your nice comments and likes Michael . The film is very thin and flexible 100% clear plastic. It comes in a roll in many widths. Needs a lot of care putting it on as there is NO second chance to get it right. Would not be suitable for normal hull as there is very little stretch in the film. Regards Antony.
  10. Hello Shipmates. A large update as I have had a lot of time building. I made up some mesh for the hammocks my using some tights (fishnet) stretching them and then applying PVA glue until dry. The knit does not show when in place on the ship. The Hull completely planked. Upper part showing planking. Port. Upper part showing planking. Starboard. Tree nails Holes drilled on Quarter Deck. Coppering the Hull completed. Nice and shiny. View into the decks with the hull upside down. Close up of the copper plates. Port. Close up of the copper plates . Starboard. Have also faced off both ends of the ship (Fore and Aft ) makes it mush more pleasant to look at Will cover the copper plates with a very thin film used to cover book covers. This will stop little fingers pulling off the copper plates. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi. Yes some glues are better than others some glues dry with a shine I have used this method lots of times. Regards Antony?
  12. Hi. The smoke can be made by using model steam loco smoke oil. A heater unit( nitchchrome wire ). A shot air supply ( relay with diafram ) A Arduino nano providing the timings. Process is :- Relay pulls back. heat oil for 5 seconds. release relay. Wait for next shot.. Have done this on a 1/12 scale cannon with a impressive puff of smoke forming a ring as it leaves the barrel. As for the Flickering LED's I did a how to some time ago. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2806-flickering-lights/?hl=%2Bflickering+%2Bled If you need a small drawing on the smoke.. I can do this if wanted later tonight. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Josh. The HMV Caroline is the Panart kit. Postage would kill the costs sending it across the puddle. That link is a No No on this site ZHL kit. I think it's a banned manufacture on this site. But I could be wrong. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi Popeye. I know what you mean But no.. Mabe some time in the future when I am looking for something to do I will pick it up and start to build it. At the moment I am not that far from completing the Victory. Then it's a 1800 century large scale cutter. Completely my own design and build methods. Planing to use a friends laser cutter for the parts where I can. The HMV Caroline is on permanent hold. Might let this kit go to a good home. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi. The Mermaid is coming along very nicely. The BIG hammer is a little worrying. Have you got a name.. I don't want to call you a silly Moo if you make a mistake lol. Keep up the good work ans we shall see a excellent model appear. Regards Antony. Edit... Unless you name is Moo. Of course
  16. Hi all. News update. Hatchette works has not delivered any of the mags since 2 weeks before our last post I have decided to cancel the mags. So it looks like another sinking ship. Have got only the basic hull shape and will put it to one side for some time as I have quite a lot on at the moment. So this build ends here unfortunately. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Alexandru. As always you are producing totally Exelent work. and you cabin flooring is quite standing and so precise.. I can only look on and enjoy the build with eyes wide open. So much to enjoy.. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi. Just catching up on your build. A truly Exelent build. And the attention to detail is outstanding. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi. I have a question or a few questions... What type of construction are you going to use. IE bulkhead. Solid. Frammed. .? And what timber are you planning to use in your build. And do you have a forklift truck for moving LOL. Sorry for all the question But I also am into building model's at a scale that lots of detail can be added. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi E&T. Very impressive work going on here. The amount of detail is in equal to the amount of resurch you put in.. In other words OUTSTANDING ... Every little bit you do simply amasses me. Nice one. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Shipmates. Thanks for the comments and the likes. Decided to try something new.. Cutting the outer planks some 48 each side of the hull. Started by glueing the black card onto the face of the Cherry timber. Timber now cut with the card already glued onto one edge ready to plank. A close up of the result. Found some moulding in my local dolls house. Quality is very good. made up the decoration to match the mouldings. Just adding a few bits to the quarter deck. Made up most of the furniture for the quarterdeck. Going to start planking the outer /lower hull this week. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi and welcome to MSW. Would be nice if you told us a few more details on what you have to start with and the required finish. Or photos. Mask areas off that you don't want to paint. You can use a liquid masking solution. ( just peels of when finished ) If the gold areas are already fixed into place then hand paint them with a dark gold. Then drybrush them with the gold. Regards Antony
  23. Hi. This is one very smartly built model with lots of unique bits built into the design. This model is on my list to do for the future. Very Very nice Regards Antony.
  24. Hi Maris. What a fantastic build. Your designing of model ships is excellent and show your personal skills well. Makes me want to purchase the kit and make one for myself The detail you are putting into this will make a show piece model. Regards Antony.
  25. Hello Udo. This is one amazing build and you explanations are the making of a tutorial on how to make a fully framed a model ship. You're got another follower and will look for updates. Regards Antony.
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