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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi. I use drybrushing on all on my warhammer stuff. For instance on a stone wall.. Put on the background colour. Then drybrushing the surface. Using a lighter colour. Use a very fine brush. Put some paint on the brush then remove 90% of what you just put on by brushing it off with a cloth or paper towel. Test it first on some scrape to get the right texture/finish. Then brush it lightly over the stonework. The high spots will be highlighted with the drybrush colour. It takes a little practice to get it right But the effect is outstanding. it's what the name implies Dry Brushing. There are a few good videos on Utube. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi Bob. Just catching up on your build. And I am stunned at the shear quality of your build. Your Triton build was excellent .. but you have excelled yourself with this one Regards Antony.
  3. Hello MIJ. Wow you have done sooooo much. And all to your excellent standards. Where are you going to display the completed model ? Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Al. Many many issues with the kit BUT fixed and looking real good. Well done you for your perseverance and coping with issues that would make other beginners give up .. And are getting help from the wonderful people on this forum. Still watching. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Adam. You could add Hatchetpartworks and Deagostini as kit suppliers. Also laser cutting quality as a item quality. Regards Antony.
  6. Hello Rustyj. A most excellent build. And has all the little finishing touches that shows yours skills and enjoyment of making it. Well done. Regards Antony.
  7. Hello Shipmates. As promised a update with a few photos. Have had a break from the ship. The Elder Scrolls Online Beta and full game was released...Very cool game lots of bugs Started working yesterday cutting the timbers for the Carling and Ledgers. Working on the Topdeck at the moment. Carling and Ledgers are not fixed yet (glued). View through the decks Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Shipmates. A long overdue update... Just replaced all the missing photos. IE explorer was not allowing me to upload the new ones Google chrome worked just fine. Will post latest pictures later on today. regards Antony
  9. Hi mike. Very nice work. Lookes to be a nice model. Regards Antony.
  10. Hello mark. WOW. Turned out to be a fantastic model and the detail is first class. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Keith. Mark is spot on with his advice All the ships I have been on do not have any ropes on the deck. They are long coiled and tied with thin lashing and stored on the belaying pin that is used to that that preticular rope is tied to. The only exception to this is when the ropes are being inspected and then they are in coils for short ropes and snaked along the deck for the long ropes. I know there are a lot of photos out there ... but that in for ceremony purpose and not done in normal practice. Regards Antony.
  12. Hello Johnny. Nice choice for your first scratch build. There are soooo many Exelent builders in the Triton cross section that will guide you if you need any help The timber is your choice ... and every thing is your choice in this section. Have loads of fun and learn as you go. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Remco. As always truly Exelent craftsmanship with everything. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi Steve. Yes you can fill the Bow section if you want...It will make the planking better. I use balsa blocks the same thickness as the gaps between the bulkheads. Dry fit first and mark both sides to show the excess to be trimmed off. Trim off the excess leaving a little spare to be sanded later. Glue them in place. And sand the contours. Hatchttepartworks is a pain. I still have only got parts 1 to 3. Not happy with them. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Andy. She is looking very nice. And very nice work on the masting. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Divarty. Just catching up with your build The deadeyes are looking Exelent and the whipping is very neat. And yes take your time with the rigging and as you say One step at a time. If you are not sure what goes where just ask. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Mij. The ship is progressing very nicely. That method of shaping and cutting the cannon carages is used a lot by the me people on this site. Worked for me as well Please keep the photos coming. This build is interesting as I like the shape of the ship and the style. Regards Antony.
  18. Hello Garward. That's a very nice set of cannons you have created. And to have a gold award shows the standard of your workmanship. Congratulations on winning and thank you for sharing this with us. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi mark. As Jud has said leave the glue a lot longer to dry clamped. I have lammanated all the beams on my victory cross section. Thick PVA glue works best for me. I have always left the timbers drying for 24 hours. Not had any warping like you Regards Antony.
  20. Hello Doris. Your work is stunning to say the least. Many fellow modellers have said and complemented you on your creation. I cannot find words that match what I am looking at My jaw is dropped to my chest... My eyes have become dilated... Mouth stuck for words...( wife likes this bit ) Looking forward to your next post. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi welcome to MSW. Time spent preparing is well spent and makes the second layer much easer and lookes better. Don't sand too much as the first layers are thin. Put filler in the shallows areas and sand excess. As far as the ships boats go... Look here http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/amati_boats_oars.html They do many others but thease look very nice and come in three sizes 70mm . 90mm and 105 mm. All the best Antony?
  22. Hello Al. Read your build log through today.. In the start you were not quite sure on your capabilitys to build the AL Bounty. Since then your conference has grown like the model and she is something to be proud of Your are looking at the build as if you have been scratch building for many years. With solutions that many on this forum would not have thought of. And a big thank you for posting the log as its nice to read and watch modeller and ship grow together. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi shipmates. Thanks for your words of encouragement and likes. Upper deck timbers are now cut and ready for assembly. Will take take a few photos tomorow. Thanks for looking in Regards Antony.
  24. Hello Hans. The Falmouth is a nice ship and from what I read they produce good quality kits. I do have a question... Why import into Norway from the US when you can get it direct from Euromodel . Much less postage and no inport duties. I will be catching up on your build from time to time. Regards Antony.
  25. Hello shipmates. Well its time for another small update. Today while working on the topdeck I made a template for the hanging knees. But to my horror I forgot to add then on the middle deck So managed to cut them out and add them to the middle deck. First time I have used super glue on a model ship. And yes I did remember them on the Orlop Deck. Also made up the racks. Hope to get in another few hours later on this week. First its the main beams and all the other timber to be cut down to size. Will post later this week Regards Antony.
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