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Posts posted by RGL

  1. Thanks mate, unfortunately unless I ever invest in a decent camera with a 50mm lens (closest to the human eye), and a decent set up with a light diffuser etc they will only ever be so so. This build was only really an effort to try camouflage. Battleships are just so much work with all the details but I’m still drawn to the old Dreadnought type ships and even the pre Dreadnoughts which are like steam punk cities. 

  2. Glad you’re back. I love the deck, but for some reason my last deck was ever so slightly uneven as well whehich makes it difficult when you drill the stanchion holes. If I can suggest, Eduard 1/350 German railing stanchions are actually 1/200, are perfect for you build AND have real chain (ish). They would be perfect for this build. Trust me on the scale I measured it. 



  3. I seriously never want to see one again. For some reason it didn’t like CA (I think it’s gone off), V1 got knocked off the desk by (I suspect) the wife turning off a lamp, smashed to bits, V2 would just not stick and V3 is barely satisfactory. The Pontos set does not include ships habits and the kit ones are horrible. I had some spare from my Dreadnought build but need a lot more, $6 worth of davits hopefully arriving tomorrow to finish this build. 

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