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Posts posted by RGL

  1. My dreadnoughts rigging was complex but I had reference to the AOTS, so I have to figure it out. I expect the nets were pulled out via the capstans using these lines forward. The references say the nets were dropped straight off the shelves into the water an unfurled, then pulled out. The reverse order for retrieving, but she could run at about 6kts if deployed but used a prodigious amount of coal. The brailing davits were used to roll them back up like a vanitian blind, either using the coaling winches or the capstans.  


    The booms themselves have two blocks, with a line that runs down the side of the ship from the deck, to the first block near the hull, to the end of he boom and then the line runs don to the base of the net. I expect this is to keep the net taught (ie, heading straight down). 


    If I'm wrong I'm very happy to be corrected, there is so little reference to this, a google search uses a photo of my dreadnought to explain the history of them (I have no idea who wrote it).




  2. I have found most of my photos on Facebook, posted on open source groups about the Kaisers navy. These shots are particularly clear and important in getting you head around the rigging required for the Torpedo net booms. The firs is of a sister ship but shows the lines well. as there are two anchors on the port side the sheeves and blocks run between them. The aftermarket also includes he doors (folding down in shot one) nea the bow with more cannons. The kit makes no reference to this.




  3. So jealous. I’ve been out on the water coaching kids sport since 6am, quick nap then off to a beer festival all afternoon. 


    If if I had the drilling template I could get a lot done even without the upgrade!!!!! 


    If you look look closely at the original photos there are sheeves above each torpedo net boom that run a line through two blocks on each boom. 


    There are multiple blocks on the forward part of the hull that lines run through to pull out the booms, those lines then run up the the deck via sheeves that would then run to winches to pull them out. 


    Then there are brailing davits along the deck that run out to the nets to pull them up. I’ve just about got my head around them and will do up a diagram later. 




  4. I’m loving seeing a representation of plastic models now! My upgrade is ordered but won’t be ready till the end of the year but Ive got a lot on anyways I won’t get to it till February really. 


    What else to the upgrade, I’ve ordered a LOT of pulleys and blocks required for the rigging of the torpedo nets. Very cheap off EBay. 


    Canute is going to get a real head start with this as it’s already arrived in the US. I can’t really do much until I get the template for the torpedo net booms, then I can etch in armour plates. 


    Hey, by Feb Popeye will have finished Vendetta and Cog his marvellous destroyer. 


    Seydltiz under full broadside 




  5. There is nothing below the waterline when it comes to details. There is also no strakes along the bow which are on the real thing. 


    So some marskung and some very thin tape soles that quickly. I need to get some more rattle can spray to finish coverage on the Lower hull, then I can scribe in some panels. 


    I also added some riveted panels to the rudders and above the cannons that run along the edge of the hull. 






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