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Everything posted by tlevine

  1. As I mentioned before, the bit pins will be glued to the “B” spacers. I measured and marked two feet (½” scale) aft from the aft surface of Frame 4 and nine inches (3/16” scale) inboard from the spacers. These are the centers of the bit pins. Small pilot holes were drilled up through the deck. I planked the inner bulwarks, starting at the waterway, using ten-inch-wide planks. I applied a clear finish at this point. The top of the bulwarks was sanded flat in preparation for installing the cap rail. Simply turn the model upside down and sand the bulwark the way you did the base. This also gives a fresh surface to glue the top rail onto. Templates were made to determine the shape of the rail. This is how I made these. Masking tape was run along the upper edge of the hull planking to prevent marking the wood. The model was turned upside down and, hugging the side of the ship, a line was drawn along the top of the hull. Don’t forget to mark fore and aft, port and starboard. The rail is 12” wide with a 1” overhang inboard and outboard. I drew lines 1” (0.02”) outboard and 11” (0.23”) inboard of the original line. The picture shows the templated line and the overhangs. I cut out the templates with a lot of extra paper on either side of them because long, narrow pieces of paper are prone to warping. They were glued to the 1/32” wood sheet. I use either Elmer’s glue stick or glue spray that is not water based (3M-45) to help prevent warping. Both of these adhesives can be removed with isopropanol and scraping. This is another opportunity to check out your scrap pile for a piece of contrasting color wood. Cut out the rails and mark the undersurface with the side and orientation before removing the template. Remove the template and round over the edges. If you want a contrasting color for the rails, paint or stain them before installing.
  2. Next up was the deck planking. I marked the center line on the top of the frames and installed “B” spacers between Frames 4 and 5. These will be used later to secure the bit pins. This ship has a king plank on either side of the midline, which is wider than the regular planking, 12” instead of 10”. I shortened the mast partners so the planks would land on Frame 4. Just like I did for the hull planking, I used a pencil on one edge to simulate caulking and, because of the camber, sanded a bevel into the lower edge of the other side of the planks for a tight fit. A row of 10.5” planking was installed on either side of the king planks. The rest of the planks will be 10” but this allowed the edges of these planks to be aligned with the outer edge of the partners. I removed the partner to prevent it from getting damaged. This is why it was only tack glued. I used a four-step butt joint pattern for the rest of the deck planking. The rest of the planking was installed, tapering the outermost rows to fit against the waterway.
  3. The next stage of construction was fitting out the mast partners, inner bulwarks, and deck. On a real ship, the mast partners were made up from several pieces of wood. For simplicity, I made the mast partners from single piece of cherry from my scrap box. In the kit, it is made from two pieces of 1/32” basswood, with the two pieces oriented 90 degrees to each other for strength. It measures 5’6” x 4’ x 3”. The center of the mast is located 6” forward of the center point of the partners, to allow enough room for four eyebolts aft for securing the truss pendants and lifts. It is not 100% historically accurate but compromises had to be made during kit design. The mast is 17.5” in diameter at the partners and is raked aft so the opening will be oval, not round, with the long axis fore and aft. I began by drilling a hole smaller than the final dimension. It will be finessed later. Remember, you can always remove more wood...you can't put it back. Then the edges and corners were rounded over. The waterway was made from two pieces of wood laminated together. Because of the amount of hull curvature, I prefer to make a template and cut the outline of the bulwark onto a sheet of wood rather than edge-bend. The template is very simple: a piece of paper which is gradually trimmed to the correct shape. You only need one template since the two sides are mirror images of each other. The outboard edge of the waterway was traced onto the 1/32” basswood sheet and cut. Using a compass, a line was the drawn 10” inboard and the waterway was cut out. I prefer to make all my marks on the undersurface of the wood, where they will not be seen. All four surfaces were sanded smooth, keeping the edges sharp. Using the same template, I drew the outboard line on a second piece of basswood and cut it out. A second line was drawn 4” inboard. This was cut out and sanded but the upper-inner edge was rounded over. The pictures show both pieces of the waterway. The first layer of the waterway was installed and because a template was used, it fits perfectly and without tension. After the first piece was dry, the second narrow piece was added next to the bulwark, rounded over edge inboard.
  4. Thanks everyone. When starting this project I wavered between a dummy hull and a simple POB cross section. One of the advantages to this approach is that it results in a nice desktop model. The compromise is that certain lines, like the stays, are omitted. It is time to plank the hull. The kit contains enough 1/32” basswood sheet to plank the hull and deck. I began the planking at the top of the bulwark extensions. This made them less susceptible to breakage. There are five rows of planking, followed by two rows of double-thick planks for the wale. Below the wale, the rest of the planking is the same thickness as the upper part of the hull. All the planks are the same ten-inch width. The thin basswood can easily be cut with a #11 blade and straight edge. No spiling necessary! I put a slight bevel on the long edge of one side of each plank to get a tight fit between the planks and rubbed a pencil along the other edge to simulate caulking. The picture shows the hull planked to the top of the wale. The wale is made from two rows of double-layer planking and will be painted black later. I painted the edges of both layers with an archival ink marker before installing them. After the first layer was installed, the hull was sanded fair. For the second layer of the wale, the exposed outer edges were slightly rounded over before painting the edges. The second layer of the wale was glued to the first layer and the surface was sanded smooth. I prefer not to paint the wale until the rest of the hull is completed to prevent damage. The rest of the planking below the wale was installed. Because some of the plank ends did not land on a bulkhead, it was necessary to glue a scrap of wood on the inner side of the plank to secure it to the plank above. In this picture, the first two rows lower planks have been installed. After the last row of planking had been installed, I removed most of the wood below the bulkheads by shaving it down with a razor blade. When most of the wood was removed, the model was put on top of a sheet of sandpaper and the bottom was sanded flat by moving the whole model back and forth. In this picture, the wale has been dyed with a coat of archival ink so you can see the difference in thickness between the regular planks and the wale.
  5. The NRG is an educational organization, dedicated to providing our members with the knowledge to improve the quality of their model ship building. One of the most common problems model builders have is rigging their model. Kit instructions are poor. Often, the materials provided in the kit are improperly sized or the cheapest that the manufacturer could obtain. We all know that blocks are not square! I wanted to develop a project whose purpose would be to teach ship modelers how to mast and rig a ship without having to build a complete hull. This model is a 1:48 scale cross-section at the level of the main mast of a late 18th century British sloop of war, Swallow 1779. To keep the size of the model manageable and eliminate the need for a building board, the hull is cut off just above the waterline. For the same reason, only the center portion of the lower yard and the lower part of the topmast are constructed. Also, because this is a cross-section, certain lines, such as the stays and backstays, are not included. My emphasis will be on demonstrating techniques to improve your rigging skills. Skills that can be used on your next project. As this was developed as a teaching aid, certain shortcuts and compromises to historical accuracy were taken. Wherever possible, I have used measurements provided by the plans and such authorities as Steel and Lees. I apologize in advance to the master modelers who might criticize my shortcuts. I have kept the use of power tools to a minimum. The only thing that is outside the normal collection of hand tools is a serving machine. The Guild hopes to begin selling this kit in the next few months. The kit contains all the materials required to complete the model. But I always keep my scrap box nearby for those times when a piece of a contrasting color wood is desirable. I will mention those times as the build log progresses. Also, the build log is made up from the best photographs taken from three builds of this model. A sharp eye will notice some differences in the wood color because of that. The hull is constructed in typical plank on bulkhead style. There is a notched spine and notched bulkheads. The laser cut sheet of one-eighth inch basswood ply also contains a template for the top and four types of spacers, A through D. The spine and the frames are assembled as seen below. Frame 1 is installed with the printing facing aft. This gave me the option of painting the exposed bulkhead after construction was completed. The mast fits in the slanted slot between Frames 3 and 4. To keep the mast vertical, support spacers are glued on both sides of the spine. They will be sanded flush to the spine when the hull is faired. To prevent the hull from twisting and to strengthen it, spacers are placed between each frame. The three aft spacers are “B”, the next one is “C” and the two foremost ones are “D”. They are placed close to the edge of the frame for maximum stability. The laser char only needs to be removed from the fore and aft sides so that their surfaces are flat. If too much wood is sanded off, I glue strips of paper onto the edge as a filler to prevent distorting the hull. The hull and deck were faired so there are smooth curves fore to aft. I used a sanding block for this. I did not fair the bulwark extensions (the thin strips of wood above the deck) to prevent them from breaking off. This model has a significant camber to the deck. Sanding sticks help getting into the corners. You can see that the mast supports have been sanded down to match the height of the deck. Next up is planking the hull.
  6. I hope you enjoy it, Mark. Last Fall I had a group of six modelers who I assisted with the kit, getting together for a half-day, every other week. It was a lot of fun for all of us.
  7. Everybody has their own preferred techniques. If I were designing this today, I know I would do certain things differently. We never stop learning and honing our skills.
  8. Sometimes we get lost between strict historical accuracy and common sense. You are showing the latter. A much smarter choice.
  9. Go for the toughie. Right now, your carpenter juices are flowing. Frames become monotonous very quickly.
  10. Your photos are so pristine they almost look fake. Gorgeous!
  11. Good luck with #2. Instead of a sanding wheel, I would suggest a sanding disc. This will prevent you from digging into the wood. They come in coarse and fine grits.
  12. Don't worry about the stain. You know it's there but unless you point it out, nobody else will see it. They will be amazed by the construction.
  13. Use this hull as a teaching aid to learn how to plank a hull better. Without seeing the bulkheads, I am guessing a bit but most likely the hull wasn't faired enough at the bow. Because of the curvature, it is necessary to bevel one side of the plank to achieve a tight fit. The hull planking does not appear to be laid out in belts and spiled. Use this as an opportunity. Strip the planking. Fair the hull better. Take a look a the Half Hull Planking project in my signature. This will explain how to lay out planking belts and spile the planks. Since you stopped Cheerful when you needed a drop plank, the project will show you how to do that and how to add a plank at the stern (if that is necessary).
  14. For this being your first wood ship model, you are doing a great job. The questions you are asking are even better. Regarding coppering... The plate sizes in AOTS are correct. I would suggest using copper tape instead of the Amati plates. The tape is self-adhesive and much thinner, making it easier to apply and more to scale. It's also cheaper. You can either apply it as individual plates or make a jig which shows the plate edges and apply it a row at a time. Check out Amazon.
  15. What is important is whether they look "right", not the material they are made out of. Paper for the hinge plates and a small piece of metal wire (or wood) for the hinge knuckle. Paint it flat black.
  16. Jim, you will be missed. My condolences to Donna and the rest of the family.
  17. So far it is unanimous for the dark frieze. The very pale color of the AYS complements the darker background. If the wood were more yellow (like costelo), the blue would probably look better.
  18. Take a look at this from the Carving Glove Guy. I have used this to sharpen my microchisels for several years. https://thecarvinggloveguy.com/image_preview.html?img=TCGG-DYSTROPKT
  19. Great work so far. I agree with Greg. That red really makes the frieze pop.
  20. Making a template like John said is the easiest thing to do. Cut the outboard line and, using a compass or divider, draw the inboard line. Sheet basswood 1/16" is easily cut with a #11 blade.
  21. Looking good. Half the battle is understanding the process, the other half is accomplishing it!
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