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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. I use clamps like these in the photo available from MicroMark. Lining off your hull, marking it in battens, Soaking or steaming the planks, pre bending and letting dry on a form shaped like you bow is always a successful way to do a blunt bow. Check Chuck’s planking primer on You Tube it is a big help. Good luck. Take your time.
  2. https://www.micromark.com/MicroLux-Micro-Sander I use this all the time. Great little sander.
  3. Badger has one : airbrush, hose with adapter, can of aerosol.
  4. If you go to the Domanoff website in sponsors row they have diagrams of serving rope and mouses used to hold loops on served rope.
  5. Only the parts that would get chafed, basically if a sail would rub against it, it was served.
  6. I do not like the brass Trenails. Look out of scale and stick way to far out IMO. Shouldn’t they be flush?
  7. That is beautiful. It will have to wait until after the Winnie is done.
  8. I photocopied Chuck’s plan, cut out a strip with butts and one without butts, taped them to the planking and then used my Dremel with a # 79 bit to drill the holes . I then slipped in a piece of 10lb test monofilament coated in PVA. Took a LOT of hours.
  9. When you open the dialog box there is a paper clip symbol on the left side bottom that states “Drag files here to attach, or Choose file.” The “ Choose File” option let’s you find your photos .Just click on them and they will download. When the reach 100% they show up at the bottom. Hit Submit Reply. I have a Mac and a PC should be the same process.
  10. Look at it as a Spanish Galleon captured by the Brits and re-named. Something that happened throughout British Naval History.
  11. Firstly, Welcome to MSW. Your model is beautiful, great job. I have been modeling for over twenty years and still learn something new with each build. The one thing I have never mastered is making sails. Yours look great. Have fun with the Terror.
  12. If I may, no punches pulled. The Bounty is a blunt bow which would be near impossible for a newbie to build in two months and have a decent looking model that of which your gf would approve. A Vangard kit will give the results you want BUT you really need to increase your time line by 6 to 8 months MINIMUM. Good luck in which ever you choose.
  13. I tend to go off on my own on many kits so on this one I have stained the hull with the gel Fruitwood, coppered the bottom, added Trenails and had the resin figure head painted. Finishing up Trenails, about another two weeks and awaiting Chapter 4
  14. Chuck that is some beautiful work. What size are the decking planks going to be? I want to mill them now.
  15. Build Chuck’s Medway Longboat. Not difficult, learn new techniques, and drop dead gorgeous when complete.
  16. Fantastic job especially for a first build. Personally I would get rid of those nails. They distract from a beautiful hull IMO.
  17. I have launched 4 of these kits from hell against the wall. My hat is off to anyone that has the patience to finish one. I went with the Russian small boat kits and love them.
  18. I don’t know about others but I use a spot of CA to terminate.
  19. Fill in between with balsa and then fair..
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