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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hey Buck, thanks for the cudos....I'll be following your whaleboat when it's time to do my 5.......lots of repitition
  2. This is such a fascinating ship, and yes I would love to see it in person. I remember when they salvaged her way back when.....Nat Geo if I remember had a documentary on her....
  3. Well, it has been a slow day in the shipyard today so far. I worked on different parts of the masts today, mainly for getting the feel of what I'm doing and what I need to do. Couldn't really get into it today for some reason, so it's mostly piddly stuff. I cut the pieces for the foremast and worked on them. Squaring them and tapering them, and building crosstrees. I put them back on the ship for reference and to visualize how it's going to look. One thing is for sure...the masts are going to be tall. Added a few more tools to the Tryworks area.....scrapers, copper dippers, and hand hooks.......right side of front of Tryworks on the brick step....don't show up well in pictures....tomorrow more work on the mainmast and the bowsprit......so here are some random pictures for you know who....
  4. Yeah Popeye, I know what you mean. I had another thought on the Hobby Lobby thing we discussed earlier. If an item is damaged, they will almost give it to you if you talk to the manager. I had a piece of brass sheet, like .5mm x 4"x6" and a 1/32" piece of 2"x24" basswood sheet. The brass had a slight visible crease on one end, and the wood was split for about 2". I showed it to the manager, and got the brass for $1.50 and the basswood for $0.50. only needed small parts from each so the damage meant nothing. Saved about $7.00, and the checker gave me another 40% off the brass since it doesn't stipulate markdowns are exempt.
  5. H Popeye, looking great man.....3 at a time....fun fun fun. To add to the Hobby Lobby thing, if you just go to their website you can get the 40% off a single item coupon anytime you need one or if you have a smart phone you can get one sent to your phone as you stand in line. It's especially great for expensive items, but I use one every time I go....sometimes twice in one day if I have something I really need or the Admiral will get 1, and I'll follow her through the line and use one too. They don't discriminate....they will use the coupon on your most expensive item.
  6. Hi guys, thanks for all the likes and such. Grant, I just never have cared for Apple computers....old IBM guy and never switched. I emailed SONY last night, and got a reply from them today. The guy actually had an immediate fix which he instructed me through and it worked the first time I tried it. Wow, I think I might even be impressed.......My camera is a SONY DSC-R1 which they quit making in 2006. It was a very expensive DSLR camera at the time but I am amazed that they still supported it this long. Good for SONY, I'm happy.....well, perhaps now I can get back to the shipyard.....
  7. Hello everyone and Happy New Year! Been slow in the shipyard this last week. I've spent all day yesterday dealing with computer issues. I made the mistake of upgrading Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. First it took 3-4 hours for the download, but more importantly my computer will no longer recognize my camera. I cannot seem to find drivers for the camera for 8.1. Strange it worked with 8.0 but not 8.1 and now that I'm reading about it I find I'm not alone....quite a few people have had this problem. I can still use my laptop though as it is Windows 7. Hopefully I'll get some work done today maybe....meanwhile thanks for the likes, I'll be busy....
  8. Looking good my friend, The Con is shaping up very nicely. 2014 will be interesting for all of us....Happy New Year to you and Gwen.....
  9. Interesting picture Michael. It must erally be a sight to see the real one. I know this has been answered before, but where is she located again?
  10. Hi Mark looking very good there. I don't know why anyone works with Ebony...it is pretty though, but man what a bugger.......Happy New Year
  11. Thanks Popeye and Wayne, details are still in the works. Yesterday and today were real life chores. I had to build a double hinged gate to close in our RV from view frome the street, so shipyard was closed. After finishing, I have managed to get in a few minutes though. So here is today's progress.....1 deadeye and chain plate....starboard foremast .....tomorrow is another day....
  12. No problem Larry, It's nice to see a progressive approach to verify thoughts or ideas as to how to proceed or how something is supposed to look. It's going to be quite a while before I finish the Morgan, especially once I start rigging. I won't start on a Niagra until the Morgan is complete. I enjoy following your build as I know I'll be in the same spot someday.
  13. Hi Grant, sorry to hear you've been "down unda"....the yards are looking terrific. Did you put tension on the yards like a weight or something to get the length of the lines for the lifts correct so that when the downward pressure is applied they would be of the right tension to tighten up? It looks to be quite tricky...
  14. Thanks Popeye and Lawrence. yes, I will keep posting pictures. I've probably put a few more than usual at this stage, however, I haven't been able to find many pictures of the construction of this ship. I've mostly had to reference the real thing in order to get the details I wanted. So hopefully this log can be used by others wanting to build a Morgan.
  15. Hello Nenad, welcome aboard. Thanks for the comments. This is a fun as well as educational project for me too. I learn from everyone else around here..
  16. Hi Jason, yes, I have lots of little things to make. Thepctures don't show it well, but there is also a hammer and a knife on the workbench, and a 2 blade pitchfork on the cauldron side. I'm going to add more buckets and possible a few more barrels on deck too. This ship had no armament. There is not a cannon on her. At one time I understand they painted a white band around her and then painted black cannon doors on the sides to look like she had guns. I'm glad you're enjoying this, I certainly am. The boats I'll be working on over time. They hang at the end of the build, but they are little Models of their own when detailed out, tools, mast, sails, harpoons, lances, knives, buckets.....all kind of stuff and it has to be done for 5 boats.....probably do them as I travel next year. Hopefully I'll get more done than I did on the east coast trip....
  17. The planking turned out nice Larry. This will certainly come in handy when I build my Niagra after finishing the Morgan. Looks like some tricky curves for this lady...
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