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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Looking great my friend, glad to see you could work during the holidays. The con is really taking shape.....
  2. Glad to see you back and getting into your repairs...sometimes they look worse than they are...at least wood is pretty forgiving, keep it up..
  3. Very nice deck view. Good to see your progress. I'm almost at the masting stage myself, so it will be interesting to follow your work. The decks do get crowded don't they?
  4. Hello BE, yes, it is a fascinating build. There are many things different about her, I guess because she is a working ship and not a warship. Where the details in a war ship center around the guns and strength, the working lady is a completely different animal. Utility rather than majestic.....I'm glad you are enjoying my log. Much of my construction would be of higher quality if I had some of the proper tools....drill press, mill, lathe, etc....unfortunately those are not in the picture.....fixed income sucks....
  5. Thanks Piet, I agree wholeheartedly about scratch build details. Much better results and good return on the time investment...cheers to you...
  6. Well, as I started checking things, I realized I hadn't built the Breasthook earlier as I was waiting till the opportune time, well, today was opportune if it was going to get done, so I worked on the foremast and the breasthook today.....
  7. Hi Guys, thanks for the cudo's, and to answer the question yes, it is white, and it is correct, even though once again...bright....I may alter that some, but not sure as all literature says it's white.....
  8. Thanks Mates for all the "likes". I've written this once, and it vanished in cyberspace before it posted, so I'll try again. I've been working with fiddly stuff again, trying to get all the details I want on deck done before moving on too far. This is really fun in that the more details I can accomplish the more real it looks. I'm enjoying that....this is much different from plastic that I am used to working with. With wood you have to create everything from.....(that awful word again) ....scratch. I'm finding more and more of the Brittania fittings from the kit are unacceptable when dealing with minute details. Many of them I have not used in this build for that reason. I didn't care for the grinding wheel in Brittania, so I remade it to make it look realistic.....much better in my opinion. So here are some updates for today so far, and hopefully more to come later today.....probably be working on foremast details and maybe even some chainplates and deadeyes. They will have to go on also before and boat davits, cranes or otherwise so now I'll get to change hats again to "rigger" I guess....I'll be checking several of ya'lls logs for steps and instruction on them.......hope you're all up to snuff!
  9. Hi Dan, thanks for the kind words.....yeah, I guess some progress alright...starting to look like a ship.....there are 2 boats lashed upside down to the shelter roof, and 5 that hang from davits....3 port and 2 starboard....lots of little boats.....
  10. Well, hopefully everyone survived Christmas and having enjoyable times with family and friends. The shipyard is kinda quiet so far today, not sure if I'll do much. I have just been playing around with details and masts. I cut the foremast, mainmast, and mizzen mast from stock. I built the foremast top platform, trestle tree and cheek knees for the foremast. I dry fitted the foremast and cut the fore topmast just to see how all of this will come together. Still have numerous details to add to the foremast before it gets stepped, so mostly just playing today.....I think...
  11. I ask for a little slack from the mods on this one..(Dont reply to this...just hit the like button).....I couldn't pass this up.... On behalf of Diane, "Cosmo" and myself may all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year......
  12. Hi Remco, I can't believe I'm just now getting around to finding your log. Piet has often talked about you and for some reason I never got here. Facinating work. I have really enjoyed seeing how you make each piece of this. Great mill and lathe work and attention to detail....very inspiring...
  13. Looking real good Piet.....I didn't realize just how low profile she was until your last picture......interesting in comparison to current designs.....of course diesel boats were quite different from today....
  14. Hello BE, the anchor chain is an antique coppery bronze color and I intend to leave it that way. The camera makes it look bright, when in reality it is a dull color looking almost like rust. It looks quite natural actually. Thanks for your input and I'm glad you like it. It's not quite to your skill levels yet, but with you around I have goals and targets that someday I can reach in my modeling. Thank you for sharing all that you do and the photos are always a welcome sight..wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year....
  15. Hi Piet, thanks for the kind words. Your guns are looking great...I'm anxiously looking forward to the end result....the Con is coming right along.....have a good one...
  16. Hi Mike, just wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Properous New Year.....keep up the good work.
  17. Hi Piet, just wishing you and Gwen a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year...it has been great getting to meet you and get to know you this past year.....keep up the good work.....
  18. Hey my brother from down unda......just wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year....hope all is well down there.....
  19. Hi Henry, wanted to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for that wonderful tour and for taking the time to show the Conny to us......it was the highlight of our entire trip. Take care my friend, and have a good one...
  20. Hi Michael, just want to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Years. I have enjoyed your build and excellent work....keep it up.....
  21. Hello Mark, I just wanted to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. thanks for all your help and guidance over the year as well as comraderie. I have enjoyed your log and excellence in building. Have a good one my friend...
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