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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Welcome!
  2. Thank you very much for the comments and the likes! The lower parts of the railings for the forward side of the hole going down to the Upper Gundeck are roughed out. I used posterboard that I layered up four layers and reinforced them with superglue. I got the idea to use the superglue reinforcing from Firdajan, here: I drilled two holes in each of them to simulate sheaves. I will put the rail on top of them and then carve tops for the stanchions from 1/8” basswood. Here they are test fitted: They are not perfect, but they will work well. This whole project has been a game of “Make it up as you go along”. It has been a lot of fun.
  3. Welcome!
  4. Welcome!
  5. Welcome!
  6. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! Happy Easter everyone! Finished the belfry and installed it: Currently working on the rest of the railings.
  7. Patrick, Good to see you back! The Sapphire is looking awesome!
  8. I really like the look of the Dusek kits. I am very much looking forward to seeing this build.
  9. Welcome!
  10. Welcome!
  11. Welcome!
  12. Planking was never my strong suit. I use straight pins to hold planks in place while drying. However, Chuck Passaro has a great guide/tutorial to planking on this site. He is one of the absolute best at planking. I plan to try his methodology on my next build.
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