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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Thank you all for all the likes!

    I am done making mouldings now.  

    Now, it is time to do some filling and sanding and then to do a little paint work before getting to the inside of the head rails becomes difficult.


    This will also give me a chance to fix some minor problems elsewhere with the paintwork.




  2. Sorry for this, the La Reale of 1690 and the the La Real of the Holy League (and is from 1570) were two different vessels from two different nations, which is why the flags and the color schemes are different.


    They are extremely similar and easily confused.  I really like both ships and want both of them in my collection.


     The Corel kit is the ship from 1690 and the Dusek kit is the ship from 1570.

  3. I’ve heard really good things about Dusek’s kits (I’ve never built one, but the La Real Galley is on the list of kits that I would like) and they have a series of kits that are depictions of the Santa Maria (which was a carrack) as well as the Pinta and the Nina (which were caravels).


    Any of those would be great starter kits.


    They also have a nice kit of the Golden Hinde.


    Their Kogge looks nice too.

  4. Welcome!

    The thing about a lot of those earlier ships is the lack of actual technical drawings so complete accuracy for a given ship could be difficult to come by.

    Having said that, a caravel, carrack or cog, would make a good starter build as they had relatively simple rigs and were not overly ornamental.  They would also make nice display pieces.


    Something to consider about your Golden Hind is that a model that can’t be completely properly salvaged makes a great learning tool for learning new techniques.  I’m doing that with my Victory that has a twisted hull.

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