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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Thank you very much!


    I made the bitts at the top of the upper head rails.


    I have a pattern made for the head rails and am currently waiting on the piece of card that I laminated them to, to dry.


    I used an Army Painter brand Soft Tone on the figurehead.  It looks better now.


    Once I get the hull completely built, I will shadow and highlight everything.


  2. Thank you all for the comments and the likes!


    I added some small details to the crown and painted it.


    I attached it, and a few other minor details.


    I did some touch ups.

    I made a spacer piece and attached it.

    With the exception of a few very minor spots resulting from attaching the crown to the rest of the figurehead, I believe that the figurehead is complete.


    This is the second figurehead that I have made.


    I am happy with how it came out, especially considering the complexity of it.


    It wasn’t anywhere nearly as bad as I thought it would be, once I broke it down into pieces.


    For the new carvers and the people who would like to learn, I strongly recommend the Intro to Carving Group Project.  That’s how I learned the basics.

    It doesn’t matter how your test carvings come out, that’s how you learn.  Over half of mine went in the trash.


    The hardest part is just deciding to try.


    All I used on this is a standard scalpel with a No. 11 blade.





  3. For myself, I tend to brush paint acrylics.  It works well for me, but I learned to paint by painting 28mm war gaming miniatures.  I use the exact same techniques on my ship models as everything else.


    I’m not trying to make my models look new and shiny though, I try and make them look battered, used, and old.  It looks more real to me that way.


    I typically basecoat dark and then work to lighter colors.  I usually ink (use thin downed paint, almost watery) and then dry brush to give depth to my models.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Wallace said:

    That is looking good Phil. You certainly have a knack for that tiny carving detail sir. 

    Thank you.  I’m trying.  This has been a learning experience.  

    I’m having a lot of fun learning, though.


    Maybe by the time I get through the Triton’s carvings, I will be good.


    I’m getting better and more confident with my carving skills.

  5. Here’s the top front piece, including the crown and the floral bouquet looking piece on the bottom.


    I’m going to try and make the crown as part of that front piece.


    If it doesn’t work, then I’ll make it separately.


    As campy as it sounds, I think I’m going to make the banner out of a piece of card and paint it blue with the saying on it.



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