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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. And now for something completely different!


    A 54mm British Infantry Officer from the American War of Independence (AWI):

    I think it’s a Call To Arms figure, but I’m not really sure.


    I’m a little out of practice, but I think it came out okay.


    It just needs some flock around the base after all paint dries.





  2. Welcome!


    Albatross is a schooner, which means that it’s a great starting model.


    The hardest part, in my opinion, is just getting started.


    For planking help, I would recommend Chuck Passaro’s guides.


    The only tools that I would recommend buying as an absolute need, over what you have, would be a good pin vise and a razor saw.

    I would recommend carefully reading the instruction booklet and reviewing the plans.  After that, start a build log and ask questions as you go.


  3. I found a problem with the wales provided with the kit that I installed as per the kit, before I started using the AOTS plans.


     The wale has to come off ahead of the catheads to allow for the head.


     I broke a head timber while removing it so I’m letting the head timber dry for a bit.


     The pictures look ugly, but that’s how demolition is.


     I circled the parts I’m having difficulty with.



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