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Everything posted by VTHokiEE

  1. I asked someone about this for my HM Alert build and the response I received was: ”I don’t think there was a strict protocol for truck colour, on my Pegasus build I left them natural, as they are on Victory today. On Alert with the shade of red I was using I just thought they looked better painted, nothing more involved than that.🙂 I also painted them red on my Cheerful cutter build, for the same reason.” I personally painted mine black because I liked that look for this build. I think you can go with whatever catches your eye.
  2. I’m impressed. Very nicely done! Do you rest the dremel on anything? Or simply file in one hand and dremel in the other?
  3. Oh okay, contemplate removing the char there at all? Or does it maybe fit in there...?
  4. Did you have to file the top bit (Well right below the top bit) to remove the laser char and get the right shape? Edit: Are you planning on painting the gun carriages? How do you do that with the eye bolts in? Also what paint do you use that doesn’t need the char removed (asking for a friend)?
  5. Boy she looks beautiful! You’re not helping me resist my goal of owning an airbrush though 😂. I’ve had concerns about some of the PE as well (mainly thinking at first that I should be using wood for certain cleats) but when it’s painted and installed it looks great.
  6. It is from “Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern” by Milton Roth. I saw it in a build log I was reading while building my Sharpie Schooner. It was very inexpensive second hand and has been a very nice resource (when I recall that I own it that is).
  7. Thanks Derek, I think you're right there. I did make up a line with the brown thread to see which I preferred. I wanted to place them both lines on cannons on the deck but I think I'll need to glue the pins in place so I gave up (I wasn't ready for glue since I wasn't decided about between the black and brown seizings). Here are the two lines for comparison: Unless there is an overwhelming response away from the brown thread I think I'm going to use that moving forward. The black (to me) has such contrast that it attempts to draw your eyes away from the gun and I think the brown is enough to know that it is there but not so much to draw a lot of attention to it (also, when I did some image searching everything I found was a natural color). As an aside, in case anyone is following and curious how to do the seizing here is a picture of what I did (a drop of glue for security before trimming the thread): Now, to drive over and pick up my Byrnes table saw (saying that I'm excited is quite the understatement).
  8. Well, now I'm indecisive again. I do have some very similar weight "brown" thread that would probably be close enough. I finished up the other side of this one (wish I had seen this post first so I could have done the other side in brown and made a decision. Oh well, I'll do one up with brown thread next and try them on the deck to see which I like more. Thanks for the input!
  9. I'm hoping to get some feedback on the seizings I made for the breeching line. My first thought was that the "pull back" (so much for pretending that I know terminology) part of the breeching line was too long. However after placing it next to a cannon I'm starting to think that its not that far off. What do you all think, should I keep it as is? shorten and potentially drop down to one seizing? or shorten it but keep trying until I can keep two seizings? (BTW - I really hope that I get quicker as I go or else this is going to take me a long time - this one side alone took about 45 minutes and removed most of the blackening from the eyelet 😂).
  10. Simply as a data point, when I ordered my saw (about two weeks ago) he mentioned that there was approximately a 3 week lead time.
  11. Well that is certainly enticing, maybe you can test some out on the scrap pieces and see what you like?
  12. The same thing happened to me, but the cutoffs worked fine. I'm not certain what is available in your country but I used Minwax Wipe-On Poly Finish Clear Satin and I'm very happy with how to pear turned out.
  13. Welcome! Very nice work there!
  14. Do you mill your wood? If so do you use a planar instead? Or what is your process?
  15. I saw your work on the Phantom; she's looking nice! I hope the Home Improvements went (or are going well) and that work becomes manageable (unless insane is good, then I hope it stays the same 🙂)
  16. I'm definitely going to go for it after I do the breeching lines. I simply need to get myself "up" for the task 🙂
  17. Small update - the un-rigged cannons are finished. Now onto breeching lines - I took one look at the small blocks for the side tackle and decided to save those for later 😬.
  18. Apologize for continuing the slight derail, but the mandolin on your intro topic looks really nice. My daughter is asking for a Ukulele (but doesn’t want to take lessons 🤔); it would be a lot of fun to build one but I’ll probably opt for the mass consumer route unfortunately since I think her and her brother may destroy it more than play 😁.
  19. There’s also a minimum focus distance to watch out for when you get too close and phones will often focus on the background of the background is too “busy” or not enough contrast with the subject.
  20. As I’ve been working on cannons my hull has been sitting in the garage collecting dust... I really should make something like this. I’d been thinking about it every time I went out to work on it (and then shook my head said that stinks and didn’t do anything about it 😁, I think I have a plastic bin that could work for now.
  21. I’ve always been tempted by this kit so I’m excited to live vicariously through you.
  22. I'm think you accidentally stumbled across the right idea with two frames - one to learn how to plank the ship and then a second to plank for real 😁
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