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Everything posted by src

  1. Carl, it wasnt the BHSS that interfered this time. It was work....again. Our connections through the Theme Park world occaisonally lead us to others in the entertainment industry. This time it was Nissan and the LA Auto Show as well as a 37' tall static prop. We were given a little over 6 weeks to design, mill, fabricate and install. Today is my first day off since about Halloween IIRC. Now to see if I can drum up enough energy and enthusiasm to tinker on the Enterprise. Sam
  2. Looks good Russ. Any progress is good progress when it comes to building. Sam
  3. Dennis, Nice progress, Murphy doesnt slow you down one bit does he? Sam
  4. J, I talked to one of the guys at work about copper and liver of sulphur. If it is turning black you are leaving it in too long or your solution is too strong, or both. You should be able to get a chocolate brown with some experimenting. He also told me a brass brush after will bring it to a bronze-ish color. Good luck!! sam
  5. J, I have not no. Metal work is one of those arcane lost arts. The skills required are only learned through years of subservience, humility, chants and offerings to gods long forgotten. Or as I like to tell one of our welders, usually when he is 15' in the air stick welding something like an 8x8x1/2 tube, the only people who become metal workers are those not smart enough to work with wood, a superior product. I will ask him this morning if he has any suggestions. Sam
  6. J, she is coming along!! great to see progress. Yes Liver of Sulfur will change the copper color, just do it out doors if you hadn't already planed to , the sulfur aroma is....unpleasant. That old ditty about beans being the magical fruit come to mind. Sam
  7. Steve, so sorry to hear about your wife's passing. She sounds like an amazing lady. Sam
  8. That is some fine craftsmanship Mr Slog!! Dont ask me why but the picture of the rails brings to mind little starship shaped Pac Men ready to do battle. Sorry, its early and I needs more coffee! Sam
  9. Wow Dennis! I go away for a "couple" of days (months) and a have whole new build to catch up on! I would not be surprised if I go scrolling down the kit forum I'll find a few others of yours, I can never keep up with you. Enjoying watching her come together, brake-en-dectomys, tab-endectomys, stealth parts and all. Looking forward to the finished product. Any idea why they would have considered a mortar?(!!) ASW maybe? Sam
  10. Mark, Good to see you back. Any forward progress is good progress. Sam
  11. Getting caught up Russ. Looking great as always; temporary cradles that could be permanent, wheels and bead board. I like the new sanded version of your beadboard over the old also, a good change and worth whatever time invested. Sam
  12. Well done Sjors! You will be adding masts and Rat Lines soon. Dont worry about the dust its barely noticeable. Sam
  13. Sjors, I feel your pain. Futtock staves and sheer poles done, now it's on to Top Masts, only to discover I never really finished my Top Masts and Cross Trees. I never installed the bolsters nor finished drilling the holes for the shrouds. Next build I will pay more attention to the rigging dimensions, my cross trees are a little narrow for the rigging. I am having to be very careful not to blow out the sides as I open the holes up to accept the shrouds. A couple of thousands of an inch really makes a difference! Promised pictures soon, she really doesnt look any different than the last set. This is the last weekend of Better Half's Social Scheduling so there should be some progress over the next few weeks. Woo Hoo!! Sam
  14. Rich, Wow, I go away for a short spell and I have an entire book to read to catch up!! Well done Sir, well done. I love the comb idea for your grating, will have to remember that one. Your side badges look much better than the kit parts, I would use those first if it was me. If, however you still do not like them check out Chucks Chelsea(?) log. He demonstrates building either galleries or badges, I forget now but I remember getting all sorts of tips there. They are not terribly difficult to build, just fiddly. Either way whatever you do will look great like always. Sam BTW, since I most likely will not be around here on November 10, Happy Birthday!
  15. Wow, over a month since any kind of update....... Work, Work, Work, bleh! We are back on a regular schedule at least for a month or two so there should be some progress.....except Better Half has managed to book up our next 4 weekends with events.... I still have Futtock Staves to finish and then move on to some more shrouds and stays. Pictures when there is something to show. Thanks for your patience, Sam
  16. Carl, Nice work, looks even better on a big monitor! AS far as double action siphon feed air brushes, what about the old Pasche vl work horse? I have one sitting in my tool box that I rarely use anymore. Never used anything else so I can really compare. http://www.paascheairbrush.com/discount-class/u/VL-SET Sam
  17. Carl, very nice work. I don't think they make strong enough meds for the migraine I would get trying to work with parts that small. Regarding the tweezers and Marks candle wax idea, would tool dip work? You should be able to thin it down. Or maybe a rubber cement like Barge? You can think that way down and get a thin coat that might work. Sam
  18. Rich, looking good. On your hinges there is a European company that makes brass and stainless tube that sleeves into one another. I forget the name at the moment, I will try to remember to look when I get home tonight if nobody else has come up with the name. It's very thin wall but with some careful fitting I think you could make some nice hinges. Edit: Albion alloys. Sam
  19. This looks like fun. I almost feel guilty taking a front row seat with as little time available as I have. But, there seems to be plenty of room. Sam
  20. RONY i don't under your question about mispainting the rod, are you asking how to dissolve carpenter glue? Or how to strip paint? Sam edit: spelled your name right. Stupid autocorrect!!
  21. Welcome back Carl, or looks good. (Edit) eerrr make that "your P.E looks good Sam
  22. Too light, too dark is very subjective. I think I would want to see it onthe ship first and then make a decision if it was me. Sam
  23. The wood looks so much better than the cast metal Rony. Are you going to add a pin to the bottom when you glue your parts down? Sam
  24. Carl, thank you. He is Indian, but not in the manor you indicate, he is or claims to be 5% Native American. I just spent the last 5 minutes looking at a map of Native American tribes and cannot remember what tribe he belongs to. He is from Wisconsin originally but none of the tribal names in the area look familiar. Now I have to ask him today 'cause it's going to bother me if I dont. Thanks Carl! Sam
  25. Sjors, thanks for dropping by. Unfortunately its going to be a few weeks before there are any ship related progress pictures. So hopefully an off topic picture or three wont offend anybody, these are some of the overlay items we made for the bosses wedding. Obviously these are pre-confetti.
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