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Everything posted by src

  1. Dennis, Sorry if I was unclear about the paint can clamp method. I type at about 1/4 the speed I think so sometimes I end up leaving complete thoughts out of a comment. But that is exactly what I was referring to. What resolution do you need to print a decal at? I was under the impression an inkjet printer was 300 dpi regardless of what the "specs" say. Sam
  2. Since Carl is in a Notoriously Known Alcoholic Stupor at the moment, I will translate ROFLMAO for you. Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off. Sam
  3. Well thats an ooops, not like I havent made plenty of my own. At least the windlass will cover it. No one would know if ou hadnt said anything. Your lighting doesnt look bad, remember you can take a piece of white notebook or printer paper and use it to reflect some light into the shadows. The other parts look good to my eye. Sam
  4. Wo! WO! WO!! Wait a minute!!! I didnt drink THAT much on our cruise. We did pre-pay for the drinks before we left so had to make sure it was worth it. Jo, I must have missed it when you mentioned you cleaned all the glue up. Carl has me so afraid of showing a mistake that I have to re-do everything before I take a picture. And besides, the more redos the lower the cost of build per hour. What color do you plan on staining? at one point you mentioned something about green paint and stain below?? Sam
  5. Vossie, Catching up here. Looking real good as we have come to expect. I second Dave's suggestion of epoxy. I used 30 minute on mine rather than the more common 5 minute, its stronger although you have the added chore of how to clamp it properly. I made round headed nails and the combination seems to have worked well. My bigger challenge was when the started growing fuzz on them. I believe from the baking soda/water i dumped them in to neutralize the blackening solution. Congratulations on you new dockyard supervisor, mine has finally given up on trying to school me in ship tasks. She used to remove any parts not up to her expectation and carry them into the kitchen where the became House Hocky pucks. Sam
  6. What is this?!?!?! I go away for a few days and come back to a GIRL planking like a Pro! 😀 Well done Jo, I had a big smile when I saw how far you progressed in a short time. If you are going to stain, you will want to make sure you get all the glue cleaned off your planks, ideally with a damp cloth before it dries. Sanding it off later can lead to interestingly unanticipated results. And what pray tell my tea drinking friend, caused you to stagger down the walkway of your neighbor?? You havent been sneaking a thimble full of wine behind our backs have you? Sam
  7. Welcome back Carl, good to see you getting some build time in. Well done. And dont let that Jo character push you around, she is all bite and no bark. 😂 Sam
  8. Mark, You and Pierre should both be pleased although that dime look big enough to sink her. Sam
  9. Woe, I get in on the ground floor! Choice of seats even. Not sure what to do with myself. Looking goo, nice start. The red through the rims is a noce touch. Sam
  10. Looking good Dennis. Since you are not a fan of sleep I know who to call next time we pull an all nighter at work, I'll be sending the Uber by around August!! Sam
  11. Well Done Dennis! I see you are a fan of the Paint Can Clamp also. At work we keep various 1, 2, and 5 gallon cans filled with left over sand from the sand blaster as well as left over cement. Works great for some things. Regarding your decal color, do you have a photo editing software that works in layers like Photoshop? It should be fairly easy to separate that blue onto its own layer and either match it or remove it completely. Sam
  12. HAHA The story of my life Vossie. As far as the focus, I just pushed the phone up until I had more or less the composition I wanted. Since the focal plane was not parallel to the subject and I was really close the narrow depth of focus threw out the closest and farthest area of the picture. Had I been using an SLR and macro lens I would have also had a tripod or at least a mono pod attached and could have stopped down for better depth of field. When I took the overall shot of the masts I was further away so had a greater depth of field. Mark, spreading/shifting the stay will tighten them up a bit. I can rotate the preventer stay easily, the top stay will take a bit more work. it will foul the lanyards of the T'Gallant Stay. That lanyard will need to be re-done if I go that rout. Not a difficult process. I will have to strop a hook on to one end instead of the eye that I am currently stropped to. I doubt I can get in there and do a decent job of tying off to the eyelet at this point. Thanks to everybody who stopped by and hit the like button, always appreciated. Sam
  13. Long story short, I have a new phone. I switched from an IPhone to a galaxy s10. Not sure how I feel about it yet. There are things that are really different. One thing I do like is the camera, it is far superior to the camera on my old Iphone. Bare with me while I play. I am making the Gaff for the Fore Mast and took a few pictures of the process, nothing special the usual procedure; four square the blank, taper, epoxy the parts for the jaws, 8 square the whole thing and start shaping the jaws. Then finish rounding the corners and a good scraping. Other than cropping out extraneous bits the photos are right off the camera, no color correction, sharpening etc. Not bad overall, a little pink but passable on my monitor. My focus could be better but again passable for this. Whilst I was happily carving away and pitchure takin' I noticed Murphy capering about in the corner, giggling to himself. I looked over things and couldn't see anything amiss so decided he was just trying to distract me. That is until I went to fit the gaff up to the mast..... Huston, we have a problem.... OH! Murphy! BAD Murphy! Tricksy, evil wicked Murphy! It appears that once again by dumping the instructions and diving in head first without really knowing what I am doing I burned myself. My Main Top Stay and Preventer Stay run right where the jaws of the Gaff sit. GRRRRR🤯 At the moment I see two options, 1) dont bother with the gaff, "Keep Calm and Carry On" or, 2) since I still have to re-tension my stays I can re-position the blocks so the stays run outside the jaws. Anybody have any idea how these stays would have been run in this situation? It is looking difficult to try to do anything major at this point. Quite frankly I am leaning towards option number 1, leave the gaff off. It would, however be nice to know what the "correct" solution would be for the future. Ok, off to have an adult beverage and do a bit of lite reading, My alarm went off at 2am this morning for a job walk at 5....in the rain....without an umbrella.... MURPHY!!!!!!!!😂🤣😂 Sam
  14. That looks really good Mark. Cannon posts?? I would think the recoil would practically sink that boat, what am I missing? Sam
  15. Jo, So you're less than a quarter inch off. That's not un-fixable, at least you found out now. Calculate how many planks to finish equally, divide that by the amount you are off, then divide that by two and add that amount to the larger gap and subtract that amount from the smaller gap and you should be fine. You're 5 millimeters off, lets say you need 10 planks each side to finish, (since you need 9 your sizes will be slightly larger, I am too lazy to do the math at the moment - its Sunday here after all). That is only a 1/2mm difference, make the one set 1/4mm larger and the other 1/4mm smaller. The difference in size is less than 1/64" To put it in perspective thats 10mm on the real boat, from 34' away would you see the difference?Only someone who really looks closely will see the it, besides this is your first layer of planking, it will never be seen. In my opinion it is a good exercise to do your first layer as accurately as you can for the experience you gain. More experienced builders may have a different take on all this, no doubt you will get several somewhat different approaches on this. Have you read the planking tutorials here, yes? Sam
  16. Jo, That does not look bad at all! Well done! A bot of sanding and what ever that bog stuff is and you will be ready for the second layer. How far off are the two gaps? Depending on the discrepancy you may be able to make it up over the next two or three planks. And see?? You showed us your "mistakes" and nobody laughed. Well, Carl and I did. but we are SPECIAL; any European who looks like a wet cat and an American with an extra eye growing out of his head can do as they please! (although for me it makes making right turns super easy!) Brussels Sprouts??!?!?!?! Whats the matter with you young lady? Them things are EVIL! Sam
  17. J, That belfry came out nice, well done. Enjoy your trip! Sam
  18. All is not lost Jo. Pictures!! We cant help without seeing what you are dealing with. Most likely its nothing to worry about. Sam
  19. Nicely done Jo! Its always nice to see some progress, and dont worry about the puns, we are a very punny group here. Sam
  20. Great idea J, never thought of that. I have a couple of stain glass stores in reasonable close proximity to me, will have to try them out. Sam
  21. Mark has a good idea there. Sometimes its better to ask forgiveness. Sam
  22. Mike, I took the last of the kit parts, including the instructions and threw them in a box somewhere. Everything is new lumber for masts and new rope and blocks from Syren. As far as the order of rigging goes I downloaded a copy of the Syren instructions from Model Shipways and I have TFFM vol4, Rigging as well as Lees Masting ad Rigging that I am using for inspiration. It has got me on trouble in a few places but I think I am getting a better education that will pay off when I finally get around to a more adventurous build. Looking forward to your photo updates. Sam
  23. Jo, Congratulations on laying your first two planks. Dont be ashamed to show a mistake, we all make them, yours may help another avoid the same fate. So, now that you are an expert, are you done yet?? 😀😀 Sam
  24. Grant, That looks great! I had no idea how big it was. I assumed 8-10 wingspan. At 40 inches it would take up most of your desk. Finding a place for it shouldn't be too hard. Wait till SHMBO is out with the girls and put it in its place. When she comes home make sure she has her preferred adult beverage and tell her, "Gosh honey, that's been there for years! Oh! and look at these cool diamond earrings I found!" Sam
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