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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Hello, great job with the drawing frame!! A very nice Syren also
  2. And I'm still no wiser on cast iron cooking pan cleaning, but the steak still tastes good😆😆
  3. Nice start oddball!! I agree with the above advice concerning the keel, stem and sternpost and leaving them off as I fitted mine before any planking and it made 1st planking and sanding a difficult task . But it is good to see another Sherbourne joining the flotilla 👍😉 Have fun and enjoy. Cheers
  4. Hello and welcome to Sherbourne shipyard, it's going to be good to watch another little lady built. Have fun and as Tony says you will have plenty of help and advice if you have a problem or question. Cheers 👍
  5. Welcome to MSW 😀
  6. Welcome to MSW 🙂
  7. Really nice work though Vane!! I do think maple looks good as a deck. Just a thought could you use the laser etched deck on Speedy and if not entirely satisfied plank on top with a thinner maple?? As I say just a thought 🤔
  8. Just looking at your cast iron skillet Derek, and wondered how do you keep it as clean as that?😁 because no matter what I clean mine with it still looks like I've just took the steak out🤔
  9. Should be second nature to you now Phil 🤪 Victory is looking fantastic
  10. I love these diversions of yours from shipbuilding, great job on the tank Phil 👍🙂
  11. Hello and welcome aboard
  12. Hello, I've not been able to work on Triton as we've been looking after the grandkids til my daughter gets home, so workroom has been out of bounds, but managed a couple of hours today and removed some planking and replaced said planking with alterations. I have to admit that I have struggled with this planking, I think it is because I didn't spend enough time fairing the bulkheads. I'm thinking I may copper this side of the hull and paint what is not covered and put a bit more effort and preparation into the other side. There are no photos as yet but I will post some next time. I have to get better at planking before I start Winchelsea 🤨 Cheers and thanks for likes, comments and stopping by 👍🙂
  13. welcome to MSW
  14. Welcome to MSW 🙂👍
  15. welcome to MSW
  16. I enjoyed watching your build immensely and you've done an absolutely beautiful little boat!! The sails especially are fantastic. I'm looking forward to your next project. Well done 👍
  17. Hi Tony, I've watched Chuck's videos on planking using the iron for edge bending, and had a go myself on Triton, I think is possibly the best method of planking round the bow. Thanks for your advice, it is always welcome and helpful 😁 Yes I feel the same, hopefully by the time I start Winchelsea I can attempt a decent job of it. Cheers 👍🙂
  18. Tony it's nice to see you back.🙂. Regards the planking problem it was the bow I had the trouble, I had not noticed the stern, but now you've pointed it out to me I can see that also, thankyou. 👍 I will take some planking off at the stern as well, which will help me out as I was going to alter the way the planks terminate at the stern . I'm glad you saw it and pointed it out as I had no idea and would have carried on regardless, This is why I have not started Winchelsea yet as my planking needs a bit more fine tuning. Hopefully the next session post will show the improved version. Cheers 👍😁
  19. Hi again, bit of a set back on the planking, I took off the planks at the bow as I had not put a drop plank below the wale and could not get the second belt of planking to run correctly. Hopefully now it will and I can make progress again. Also I need to sort out how the planking terminates at the stern because at the moment I don't think it is working out, so I may be removing a few planks and re-fitting them when I've figured out what to do. Thanks for your interest and likes👍 Cheers 😃
  20. Welcome to MSW 👍
  21. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's passing, condolences to you and your family.
  22. Hello!! Welcome to MSW
  23. Got a couple of hours on Triton tonight and managed two planks on the bow, so I now have four runs fitted, only fourteen to go, then do the other side! This is my only proper single plank hull(I know the Xsection was single plank but they were all short, straight planks) and I'm finding it difficult to keep the planks tight fitting, hopefully a bit of sanding will fill the gaps. till next time Cheers 😃👍
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