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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. And I've got this to come,🤔 I may, no, will be asking lots of questions 😉 Looking good though Craig
  2. I know exactly what you mean!!! And it's not just model kits, that's where my scroll saw came from, but I am limiting my viewing to once or twice maybe three times a week
  3. Yes don't just tease I was also looking at car models and bikes and ships and tanks and guns!!! I think that rabbit hole has just got bigger and sucked me in🤣🤣
  4. Tallisker distillery on Skye do a decent malt. I'm coppering one side of Triton if the second side of planking looks ok!
  5. It's going to look awesome when it is finished!!!!, I shall keep my eye on it with enjoyment and interest!!
  6. Mmm this talk of chowder is making me hungry, and I've got 3 hours til my tea😫
  7. I'm a tad late to the party, is there room at the back?? Very nice work to date 😃👍
  8. Great job Denis, I like the different take as a captured plane used against its former masters😉
  9. Welcome to MSW Tony, unfortunately I can't help with your question but I'm sure there's someone on here who can 👍
  10. It's that rabbit hole scenario again . You're doing TWO!!!😱 At least I'll know which one I'm catching up on, yours or J's
  11. Nice motor Jack. I'll stick my thumb out if I see you passing The polish idea is a great tip I may employ sometime, thanks
  12. Been a while since I set this log up, but bought myself a used scroll saw at the weekend and actually started cutting the bulkheads and keel former from some 6mm mdf. I have found that mdf cuts very well. With so many bulkheads it's going to be quite a time til I've got them all cut, as I've never used a scroll saw before and am taking my time to get them right. As soon as I have something resembling a skeleton I will post some photos. Til then cheers 😃👍
  13. I did think about aftermarket stuff but then found the main UK distributor for Hasegawa and dropped them an email, the upshot being they are posting replacement parts to me😆 should arrive sometime next month as they are awaiting new edition of the Dauntless. So I'm just poking my head down the rabbit hole for nowUntil then I'll get some painting done or a bit more planking on Triton. Thanks for dropping by and all the likes. Cheers 😃👍
  14. I love these Pacific campaign aircraft so I'll get my seat now while there's room!!
  15. The painting has started and I've done the few parts of the cockpit I have I have just placed the bulkheads (not glued) and I've realised that the pilots seat is missing, oh well I'll get around that somehow. Til next time Cheers
  16. It's been resolved!! Full refund and still got the kit. I may try and scratch the undercarriage and rear wings. The small details missing from the cockpit will be left out and then there just the rear gun cradle thingy, I will probably botch something together for that. With the refund I think a Zero, Kate or Jill will fit the bill. Oh God I've got this bug now as well as the ships. Thanks a lot guys😂😉
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