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Everything posted by stuglo

  1. I have a selection of the larger tools. The course ones take stuff off pretty quickly and enthusiasm must be curbed. The fine ones wear-out quicker than I hoped . Also the corners, such as gunports , are round and require knife or regular file. They save time but sometimes this is undone by repairs for excessive removal
  2. Silly question- how do you insert those t-shaped pins. I have them and even with drilled holes they dont lend themselves to a knock with a hammer or simple push
  3. Really work to a high standard. Had my eye on this kit many years ago but others took priority.
  4. such talent. such beautiful work. thank you for sharing
  5. This looks really useful, but my head is at busting point trying to handle a band saw. Booked marked for later- at least post corona.
  6. I know the feeling about lack of patience but you have done pretty well. I'm a 70year old ADD (my wife just says its childishness). May I suggest that the problem of colour run can be mitigated when you put on the bands (the proper word escapes me) of wrapped thread or simulated iron bands. Also attachment of various rigging may hide this. I hope this assuages some anxiety because I have been known to obsess about such things.( PS. count 10 before reacting to a nonbuilder saying its "only a model!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  7. Beautiful work but where were you when I needed you when I struggled with my Oneida 6 years ago and wasn't even aware of this site. You inspire and will help others
  8. Just to rub salt into the wound, we pay a tax (vat)-17%, on personal imports over $75 INCLUDING postage!!!!! I need to import kits,wood,electric tools etc. Its lucky my wife doesn't ask the cost of these. BUT, the hobby is worth every penny (cent). So please reduce the temptations. May you all keep well in this Virus situation.
  9. Thank you but please no more!! I have no self control and even though the book is obviously cheap. postage costs me 35$ !!!!. Of course I bought it.
  10. Thanks for input. I have decided against the proxxon . BUT decision now between Wen 3939 or Skill 3386!! (difficult to believe I bought in last year proxxon milling and thicknesser tools with relatively little anguish)
  11. I thank you all but i'm finding that "a little learning is a dangerous thing". Each article, tip, internet reference bounces me between options. I know that whatever the choice- it will be the wrong on. At the risk of irritating you further, let me say that it falls between the proxxon with a smaller table and lack of fence, and the 9in. Wen with fixed speed, ? weaker motor and alleged difficulty in setting-up. I welcome comments and advice. (p.s. the educational videos are really good)
  12. Having just decided on the Proxxon, I checked up on this post -Wen 9 or 10 inch. Apart from the issue of 2speeds and a stand ( and different motor amp)they seem equally useful for woodworking. ? Are the blade guides similar and other important considerations? The difference in price is substantial ?Is the extra money for the 10 inch, let alone the Proxxon and other competitors justified. I usually consult my boss(wife) but she would simply ask if I really needed it
  13. Thank you. Unfortunately Scheppach only ships within UK. It looks good value. I checked out the Axminster AC1400 B and Proxxon, but cost of shipping doubles cost. Your endorsement encourages me to continue to consider one favorably. Shipping from the USA is somehow cheaper, but 110v is a nuisance
  14. I have a Dremel scroll saw and Proxxon table saw. I am not happy using either to cut down 3cm cherrywood boards to framing stock etc. Will a hobby bandsaw be useful or pay for itself for future work, or shall I simply pay woodshop to cut it on a full-size table saw? I'm asking because I'm a rather impetuous purchaser of tools and just taken delivery of a Proxxon Thicknesser.
  15. As poor students "broon" was expensive, so we bought the cheaper "amber" at 1/8 s for drinking- "broon" for special occasions. Also, most pubs had separate as well as mixed bars. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing.
  16. Re. pub in Seahouses, Northumberland. I notice your location is Horwich, Lancs. Did you use Google translator ? or a temporary displaced Geordie?
  17. these look excellent "starter" kits -learning and understanding, satisfaction and a good-looking result without at a moderate outlay including simple hand tools. If this is the philosophy, a mighty achievement and incentive to newbies .
  18. Top of my list when list when I next visit England
  19. Beautiful work. I will certainly consult it as I intend to start a similar build soon.
  20. Thanks. I knew you did your homework but it just seemed counter intuitive. Maybe Mrs Hamilton did the decorating !
  21. I'm bothered by the colours . I see the pictures and visited the Victory 5 years ago, and you represent them well. But, the coloring of the gun carriages and matching inner walls yellow and others white seem ? anachronistic. With other boats, in books and google images, natural wood, red or black seem to be the rule. Did you (or others) find any info about this.( The recent change in the colour of the external ship, is noteworthy.)
  22. This is a "must have " for all boat modelers. Helps visualize the build in a way a book or blog or practicum cannot. The only problem is finding a way to display all the stuff without 3 different models- i.e. framed, planked and the "insides" displayed. A wonderful contribution. Thank you
  23. I think it fair to say that any project whose appearance and/or history that takes your interest will be fine especially if one or more blogs are already on this site. Much more work is needed for the scratch built and I would suggest that a scroll saw as well as a table saw are important to avoid slow repetitive and boring work.
  24. Started friday. After reading through your blog, I realize that much advanced planning is needed especially with the painting and I will put more effort into upgrades than I originally planned.
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