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Everything posted by stuglo

  1. I built this on my honeymoon 46 years ago. I enjoyed both. I think the children (a consequence of marriage )played with it . Must have crashed and was a write-off.
  2. To prove my point, my band saw blade broke this morning and I cannot proceed without it. Didn't get around to buy spare.None readily available locally, ordered pack of 5 but will take a week. Luckily I don't believe in the Evil Eye ( just Murphy's law)
  3. I've had a Dremel scroll saw for 20 years. I bought a scroll saw 4 months ago. For accuracy and ease of use, the scroll is infinitely better. For scratch building I think it is essential. Needs careful setting up (u-tube) and care with use.Very small pieces need careful handling or temporarily attaching to a holding piece. It does make huge amounts of fine dust, which proves its precision, but vacuum and mask (remember covid19) will overcome that.
  4. question from the ignorant- how do you make those transparencies? (PS started my "swan" today- wish me luck)
  5. This was my first boat also (32 years ago) . to answer some of your questions, it depends if you intend to paint hull or not (I didn't but the picture you show probably would encourage me to do so). If you paint,which is more forgiving with a single plank hull, then you can "fake" it with more filler and use a plank bender ,nails (temporary), sandpaper and a good eye. Otherwise, soaking and heat source (modified soldering iron or hair dryer ) "white"pva glue and fingers or various clamps etc . I never liked nailing wet planks, but if you let dry before glueing, there OK. Don't be disheartened - we all redo and replace. A single planked relatively small scale is not easy. My next boat was the Corel Victory, where the difficulty was understanding the plans, but the actual built was perhaps easier, having already built this. 21 builds later I'm now up to "scratch"
  6. Really good. I built this as 1/48 and thought it too small. You prove me right
  7. well, received the oscillating spindle sander. Tried it out. As good as promised. Only complication was that delivery was promised for a wednesday afternoon. Lunchtime that day, I had a heart attack (my first) and had to go to hospital with my son, leaving my wife at home to receive the delivery before visiting me. I came home (relatively unscathered) a few days later , to unpack my new baby. Awaiting delivery of the Alert with a little trepidation. PS Tried to contact the NMM to order plans, but they are "corona-closed". Will start the build next week without the additional information.
  8. If you have not done so already, see Longridge "The anatomy of Nelson's ships". This is a "must have" book.
  9. Craftsmanship +originality+scholarship=GENIUS
  10. Just bought the FET because of scratch ambitions. The small 37006 has been a wonderful help for over 8 years- simple to use for 1 off or repeated use but it needed bladed changes after heavy use. PS/ just received and used micromark size gauges for ripping. Very worthwhile, accurate and huge time savings.
  11. Never tried this method of planking several rows ahead at midships. Looks good. I use it when copper plating and never thought to use it for planking. Interested if others use it.
  12. I can buy different formulations- time to setting being the main difference. Also age has a significant effect (? evaporation or concentration or contact with air- I don't know). I usually buy 1 litre at a time (a couple of years worth) and transfer it to 100 ml squeezey bottles. There is a significant "thickening" of the glue and shortening of "catch" time within a couple of months.
  13. The author of the fantastic "Hornblower " naval novels, set against the Napoleonic wars
  14. You've taught me a lot. But I'm greedy. Please keep posting whenever possible. (That fluting- stupid of me not to have thought of it )
  15. Just watched "Greyhound" - a new movie about the atlantic convoy 1942. Superb. Must see.
  16. Many thanks for the above lesson. I bought my Proxxon less than a year ago, but the learning curve (by myself) is slow. Other illustrated tips would be very welcome. Meanwhile, another problem. When using this head vertically, that is the piece is horizontal, even minimal pressure from the milling bit causes the piece to "dip" and results in an oval rather than a round effect. I could use a lathe but I have a very crude one and milling a rotating part can be useful. I thought to support the free end but can't think how. Any help appreciated.
  17. I'm disappointed with the 3 jaw dividing attachment as I have not found a way to central a non round piece. Can anyone advise? Also I checked these on these accusize vices and the advantage isn't obvious to me if I use an X-Y-Z table- please could you explain
  18. I've used mine for over 8 years . As Jim says, mount with jig, ruler and stop, and repetitive cuts, deck planks for example, can be reproduced 6 or 7 at a time . Single cuts can be produced quickly and accurately. Those in the USA should appreciate how cheap they can obtain such tools, (Good luck to them). Even at 3 times the price (I paid) very worthwhile.
  19. Judging by the size, when you add the bowsprit etc. you will need a building "island"to work from, as well as a high chair, long arms and nerves of steel. Sincerely, the best of luck.
  20. So tempting, but I estimate would need at least 3 years for this. With 4 projects already on list, I think this would be a build too far. But who knows.
  21. I agree, but there are places that model paints are not always available. I use acrylic craft diluted with Windolene or medical alcohol (as opposed to medicinal alcohol)as a substitute. An orbital sander works as a great mixer/agitator.
  22. Some of us (non americans) will find the the hand gesture inappropriate- was it really like this?
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